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Thanks very much for the detailed feedback!  

I wasn't super thrilled with the score UI myself, but it was one of those (many) things that after playing around with it for a bit I just said "it's good enough for now" and never got to go back to it as the deadline approached.  And I went back and forth a lot on whether to remove Theo from the title screen and the screenshots for exactly that reason, but ultimately I decided everything looked better with him in it.  (I then thought about cutting the joke because, as you rightly point out, it's completely spoiled before you even start the game... but I just didn't want to cut it, haha.)  And believe it or not the tutorial was originally even longer than it is now, but thankfully I thought back to the most common piece of feedback I received during my last game jam ("improve the pacing") and tightened it up.  I did consider tightening it up even more for the reason you suggest (jammers want to go from game to game quickly), but I also wanted to teach the player how to play (and deliver some adorable exposition, haha), and I just kept drawing blanks on more efficient ways to do so.  (I think my personal goal for my next game jam will be to try to start the player right in the middle of the action without having to read through dialogue, since I don't want to get too dependent on text-heavy games.)

And wow, nice score!  (Better than I ever did while playtesting, if I'm not mistaken!)