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Wow, in less than a week, that shows a lot of dedication and is a gigantic compliment :)

Did you collect the secret ability and did you use the secret behind the 99 door?  

Most Metroidvania games have a set order because you need specific abilities to progress.

But what many people didn't realise, in the second third my game becomes a bit open-world. You can choose if you want to begin with the vulcano or the mine after that you can choose to do the security area or the other temple or the sandcastle and you don't have to finish the security area you can wait until you have all 8 cubes or do it whenever you want. Or you could start the mine play halfway through it and then go to the vulcano.  Most likely I wouldn't do that again because designing it gave me severe headaches and confused some players, so it wasn't worth it.

But I know what you mean, in most cases only one room leads to the goal. Especially the first third is a bit linear. It's because I wanted to give the feeling of progress on your way home and I know that western players prefer to go from left to right , thats why Mario always does it.

But if I would ever make Bobo The Cat 2 (might happen) I would approach many things differently because it would be boring otherwise.

After work I will patch your name into the game. I will tell you when the new version is online.

Thank you for your detailed reply :)


I think I got the secret ability (the one from the Gem Scratching Post?) I got it before fighting the final boss. I actually think I collected everything except the items behind the Sunset Gates before defeating the final boss. The secret behind the 99 door is the very last thing I collected before going home. So I was able to get all the other optional items without using it :)

I did notice when I got to the area behind the switch block in the Neon Lair that I could have actually gone there earlier, but I don't think I realized how open that part of the game is. I went to that area to get my sixth cube. I actually really liked the moment when I got five cubes and then realized I didn't know where to go next because there is no five-cube door. I had to think about where I hadn't explored yet in the world. But I guess some players wouldn't like not knowing where to go and would get stuck.

Thank you for the wonderful game!