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A member registered Apr 22, 2014 · View creator page →

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I haven't tested the Mac version in a while, but I think this error happens if you try to run it from inside the DMG. You have to drag the app outside the DMG for it to work.

That's so cute! Thank you!

The mushrooms do not respawn once you collect them, but the zones are very large (something like 100x100 screens) so I don't think it's feasible to run out of mushrooms to find.

I don't think there is actually a way to softlock there, because if you created any checkpoints in the castle with a house, you can just destroy the houses (by throwing other houses at them) and once you destroy them all you will respawn outside the castle.

You can only fight this enemy once per save file normally. A quicker way is to use the debug menu, which allows you to respawn Servant C, and when you beat Servant C again the snake will appear again.

I think very few of my older games are similar to this in terms of length and ambition, but Sylvie Lime is probably one of the closest. It's different in many ways though. I often try out new things, so when someone likes my newest release, I worry they won't like any of the older ones as much....

Also, Love is really amazing.

Thank you for the detailed thoughts!

I think you are more skilled than the average player if you found the game on the easy side, especially if you also reached some True Lords with only one element (which I knew was possible in some cases, but didn't really intend players to do unless they were trying some kind of challenge run). I'm glad it was still difficult enough to be fun though. The boss difficulty slider is only for making the game easier, and was added after a playtester spent around 45 minutes trying to beat one of the false lords (not the demon form). Even though "struggle" is supposed to be a big part of the game, I felt like if the difficulty was ultra hard, then too many people would just give up....

I would say that reaching the true ending without costumes is not that much harder than how most people approach the game. It's only really different if you relied a lot on the devil/angel or the unlockable help features from Aria. The secret ending becomes a good deal more convoluted and time-consuming without costumes if I remember correctly, though not much harder in terms of execution.

Aria wanted to add that she doesn't actually know much about parables as a literary form and just thought it was a name for a certain kind of simplistic moralistic story. It's interesting that you mention stream-of-consciousness writing because sometimes I feel like the way I design games is to let it flow out of my consciousness....

We are coming around to feeling better about the game after seeing more people's reactions and seeing some people say that they did find it moving. A friend said that the story feels like an "emotional space" you can explore and play around in and I like thinking of it in that way.

Yeah, there is something else you need to do there.

My heart hurts....

Thanks for letting me know! That's strange, for me it seems to work on both Firefox and Chrome, although I only tried playing for a few minutes on Chrome.

When you say "very quickly", what do you mean? Does it crash on the title screen menu, or only once you get in-game?

If you have time to help me debug the issue, after it crashes in Chrome, can you try the following steps?

  • Click on the address bar
  • Press F12
  • Select the "Console" tab in the window that appears
  • Take a screenshot of what it shows in the console and post it here

Thanks, I noticed this before but I forgot to fix it. I'll see if I can fix it soon.

I would like to opt out of receiving funds for this itch account from the Queer Games Bundle. 

I understand that this means I will not receive funds for my game.

Even that level is possible with kitten's power!

Yeah, it is a little bit limited in some ways but very easy to use!

Thank you! The soundtrack is made with PxTone Collage!

A true Space Shooter, can you beat my high score of 76390?!

Revealing the caves is more about experimentation and guessing than looking for clues or using logic, so it might not be for everyone. Thank you for trying it out.

Sylvie Lime!

Hmm, I found out I'm getting occasional crashes on the Linux version too, but I'm having trouble debugging it because instead of giving a Game Maker error message, it just segfaults. And it seems inconsistent how long I have to play before a crash happens. I think it might be audio related since it mentions "pulse" (PulseAudio?) in your error.... I'm glad the browser version works at least!

Okay, here is the free version.

Cruel World is now abandonware so I am releasing my own version of the game.



I only tested the Windows version and I didn't test it that thoroughly. Let me know if I broke something.

Differences From The Original

In Gentle World, every node is a "public node". The title screen text is also changed slightly. Otherwise everything is the same.

In the original game, most "nodes" (which include things like checkpoints, doors to other areas, and tutorial information) were not public and you to HACK them to gain access. Once you HACK a private node, you can MINE it to become an OWNER of the node. This lets you freely use the node and inscribes your name on the OWNER list. However, this makes future HACK attempts by non-OWNERs take longer. This is because HACKing triggers a little auto-battle sequence where you  fight against each OWNER, then finally the "guardian" of the node (you don't actually do anything in these sequences, you just wait and watch the fights play out and hope you don't randomly die and have to restart the HACK attempt). Over time, the OWNER lists on private nodes became very long and making progress began to involve very long periods of waiting. Eventually, a feature was added that lets you HEAL the world by removing your name from OWNER lists, but I'd guess that not many people did this. There was also eventually a PARTY feature which I think let you make nodes temporarily accessible to non-OWNERs, but you would have to CLEAN up the mess afterwards before using the node again.

Public nodes can be used by anyone freely, do not need to be HACKed, and cannot be MINEd, so none of this is relevant in the Gentle World.

Even if you obtain the original game, it's no longer possible to experience the game as it once existed, playing it shortly after release when there was an active community around it and the OWNER counts were smaller. So, enjoy this twisted version I created, ahaha.

See Also

Beaceful World is a rom hack I made shortly after the original release of the game which similarly makes all nodes public, but also has some additional changes and new secret areas based on cut levels. It's missing a lot of the content that's in Gentle World though, since it's based on a very early version of the game (v6, which I think was released on April 2nd 2021).

Can I release it for free?

I created a walkthrough video for anyone who is stuck. You can watch it until you learn something new.

I don't even care about score, I just want to destroy, ahaha.

Ending made me cackle.

I don't know what you tried so far, but you need to stack two crates to reach the floating flame. Remember to always fight with your full strength.

This game is cool. I like the mechanics. I played the original version and it was really interesting, but challenging in kind of a grueling way. The updated version is pretty breezy in comparison, so I had fun playing through multiple times to try to get better at the game. Can you beat my record of 3 deaths?

Nice! I was curious how much was possible with only one item.

Valley - Flooded Chamber should be possible by approaching from the mountain, but I can't think of how to do any of the others.

I don't think SDIRE is a typo, D and P just have the same rune.

Thank you! I wonder how many levels you found. There are 27 in total. That's still a fairly small number, but I think some people don't realize there are that many levels because of how the game is structured. I have a lot of lovely Snake pictures so maybe someday I can share more pictures with the world.

I found the first room of the secret section on my own. I thought that was everything until I watched Tsuneko's video to make sure, and I was amazed that there was more!!

My laptop has both an integrated graphics card and a dedicated graphics card. By default, it launched using the integrated card, and the framerate was stuttering. It ran fine at 30 fps but not 60 fps. However, when I went into the Windows "Graphics Settings" and forced the game to run with the dedicated graphics card, it ran perfectly at 60 fps. You may want to include a hint saying that if the game is stuttering, and your computer has separate integrated/dedicated graphics (which I think is common for laptops), then make sure it is running with the dedicated card.

This game was so amazing. It feels more like a "playground" where you get to have fun playing around with Bobo's moves, compared to the original Bobo where you had to master the moves to get past difficult challenges. Normally, easy games aren't that exciting to me, but it was fun and I felt happy the whole time playing it, and it made my day feel brighter.

After finding 8/8 containers and reaching the flag, I felt like the game was very short and easy, and even though it was really cute, I wished it had a little more depth. But then I found a certain secret area, and I was completely shocked by the contents. My feelings of being underwhelmed completely went away when I found this strange and creative area, and I realized I was playing an amazing game.

I hope more people play this game and find the great secrets!

Cool game, if anyone is stuck on some of the levels, I did a walkthrough video.

It's possible with Girls.

Hello everyone! Thanks for doing Sylvie's Jam #1. I'm happy that a lot of people made Kitten Boat games and I want to try them all.

If you aren't able to meet the deadline for "officially" submitting your project to the jam, feel free to link your game in this thread when it's ready! Meow!

(1 edit)

Normally I wouldn't email someone who bought one of my games on Itch but I might have to in that case....

(Edit: The above comment no longer makes sense now that the game is free. For context, before the Indiepocalypse exclusivity period ended, I wanted to give out a limited number of free copies of the game, but you can only do that if the game is downloadable. So I made the game downloadable, but set the price to $999.99 so nobody would buy it!)

Thank you! There is more to discover in the game if you want to play a little more. (When you reach the "true ending" it should be clear)

Hello Bobo, I found a small bug when I replayed the game. The 40 gate below let me go through even though I think I only had ~36 Circuit Keys at the time (I didn't record the exact number but it was definitely below 40). You can see on the map that the gate is still red, but the gate opened up and let me get the burger.

(1 edit)

Thank you for telling me about this amazing secret! I don't think I ever would have found it.

I watched the ending again with spinning Bobo.

If you want to delete this now that I've seen the secret, you can. Otherwise I will leave it here so other people can learn about it if they happen to look at this page :)