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I appreciate the thorough review!

Can't believe i missed adding space in the description, whoops! I definitely should change the keys so they are together too.

I love that you got the levels were meant to learn progression. Level 1 for movement, level 2 for Gust, Level 3 for Sun.

The Sleet spell was meant for a (not implemented) "Tough" enemy that could not be pushed with Gust, and would have to be tricked into sliding into Spikes to defeat. (It also has second optional use as a speed running tactic by sliding over your own ice. :))

(1 edit)

Thanks for the answer! So my idea of throwing enemies towards spikes was not completely off-track, after all. ;) I do not know if you plan on extending the game, but if you do, do no hesitate to notify me. :)

PS: should have read before saying. XD ‘I definitely plan on making more levels. :)’ Great news anyway!