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A member registered Apr 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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this is hilarious! i love it!

hell yeah, this slapped!

Really nice! Really liked the art and voice. Some creepy music might help it a bit too.

simple and works well!

I love where you can push the rock to get over!

i like how the ballons fly around when they deflate!

i liked the dialog a lot! nice work on the voices, couldn't tell they were AI!

The walking zombies didn't appear to hurt you more than once. Besides that, great effort for three hours!

Love the use of particle effects as the enemies and obstacles!

love the graphics and sound! would be cool if the bomber went from right to left and switched each time.

The slicing mechanic works really well! And the bomb exploding gave me a good jump!

Very cool! I like the idea of gambling that the problems won't get worse if you sleep again!

this is sick! love the sounds, art, everything. very nice job! amazing job moving the stick to heat different parts of the marshmallow

i thought this was really good! some music or just some bleeps and bloops would really do wonders!

i really the controls! a lot of fun to use

Timmy seems to be a little dumb, he may need to touch the fire so he learns his lesson! nice work

amazing! my story turned out very funny!

i like that it insults me when I do poorly LOL

nice idea! I couldn't get the marshmallow to burn all the way, but I get how it was supposed to work!

um, wife

love the graphics!!

brutal difficulty LOL life is rough being a spider.

cool movement mechanics! should have a timer or something for trying to get a high score!

you get overwhelmed pretty quickly! would be nice if your bullets pushed the bugs like they do you!

solid idea! personal preference, but I think getting rid of the timer and just making more spiders over time makes sense!

haha, it was fun! I liked the messages after the level.

it was a really cool idea, would be nice if the enemies/objects were a bit more than simple squares/circles! i liked the archers.

just needs a "sound effect" when the ship explodes!

absolute cinema!

i liked the bad enemies had red eyes! would be cool if you grew to eat larger bugs!

it was fun, a bit difficult to figure out the movement rules, but cool once you do!

i like that there's literally a remote! it is certainty controlling a swarm of helicopters! (a swarm of helicopters is a scary thought...)

nice job for 3 hours! I like the pixel art and the funny way the birds move!

insanely fun!

executed well, i like the lasers have a warmup time, wish there was a clearer indicator of where my swarm will collide with the lasers.

okay ngl, i don't know if it was by accident, but controlling the beehive instead of the bees feels like it fits the theme better than most. like someone decided to attach a beehive to a drone and make the swarm sting the bums of people for fun. LOL

it's a good start to something! maybe the fish could have a certain number of krill needed to defeat them or they damage the swarm etc...!

great game! like there are different collectables with added effects. would be really cool to add upgrades or something after collecting a certain amount of each.

fun game! love the goofy sounds!

not good at these types of games, but it was well done!