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DAY 13

Soo long story short today was an utter disaster. As I was working on the last few details to add to the level for my MusiKitty demo the project root file got corrupted upon opening Godot again after a little break. Godot showed me all files and directories that got corrupted and it had spread throughout every single scene and script file. I tried returning to an earlier version of the project, restarting my computer and the engine, running it as admin,... Nothing worked. The only thing that survived was the art assets and music I made. So in other words, I am back at square one. This really destroyed my enthusiasm and morale for the game jam.

But  I've decided to pick myself up and try and do my best to get something done with the 48 hours I still have. It's going to be hard and I'll have to scope down the idea that's brewing in my head down to very very small. But I believe I should be able to make something playable since these past 12 days weren't entirely thrown away. The project and progress might be gone but now I am armed with the knowledge of the very fundamentals of Godot and coding, which means adding fundamental things to make an actual playable experience will be a whole lot more efficient this time around than when I started the jam. To avoid the issue of losing too much time I've decided to realise a simple obstacle course like game idea I have to an isometric perspective. I have already made a tileset consisting of four tiles that I'll use throughout the entire project. 

Only having 4 tiles to deal with when placing level in an isometric game where placing down objects is grid based will make creating levels much quicker and manageable. Which will give me more time to make sure the basic player script and collision with obstacles and basic enemies work properly. Enemies for this project will come in two variations: walking back and forth in a fixed pattern and turrets that shoot at the player when they enter their vision. (of course the art for both the player and enemies  will be placeholder sprites in different shapes as making full art is just not achievable at this point) These are both mechanics I know how to implement since I coded different mechanics that use the same building blocks in MusiKitty. Namely using Area 2D Nodes for triggering events and basic enemy AI. To simplify control coding I'll be working with a player character that isn't directly controlled. Instead by using the mouse the player can click and drag and release to apply a certain force to it. Longer drag = more force. These are also things I can implement using knowledge I already have on how to add forces to RigidBodies in Godot since I used it to make the puzzle that was planned in the MusiKitty demo.

And this is where I am standing right now for this jam, I don't know if I'll get the simple game I envision finished but I'll definitely give my all to get something at least playable out to you all ! I'll definitely come back to MusiKitty sometime after the jam and rebuild it from the ground up, as I already planned to do. I won't let this big bump in the road stop me !

See you all soon !