I am making a shooting game where you play as the last remaining railgunman of an abandoned bunker, holding the line against aliens or creatures or whatever whom show up to tear down the fort's defenses and eventually make their way to you (and kill you). It'll be a bit like the iOS game Ziggurat, Space Invaders, and Post Void. It's intended to be fairly simple, controls- and mechanics-wise. All you do is look around and shoot, though the shooting is intended to be skilled in terms of charging up the railgun / waiting for it to cooldown after a shot etc., and you need to manage which targets you're shooting and which parts of the constantly-being-attacked fort you decide to defend. I really love the simple design elegance and "last man / ship standing" feeling of Ziggurat and Space Invaders, so I decided I wanted to make a game similar to those, but using a first person perspective. And I'd like for it to have a pixel art style which is why I reference Post Void as a pixel art FPS.
I think the game will be interesting to make and I have a short design doc for it already, and it has a railgun and you WILL die one way or the other. Thanks for reading my Day 1 Devtober 2022 post woohoooooo yeah.