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Hey, thanks for the Part 2 in-depth review! :) It's always valuable to get detailed feedback, so I appreciate it!

The choices not having consequences (yet) is unfortunately a sacrifice I had to make as a solo dev - to make a truly branching storyline would expand the scope of the game to the point where it'd take ten years to finish and each update would only contain about three seconds of content for individual players. I agree, though; it'd be nice if they had more impact! That being said, your choices will have much more of an impact in Act Three. Better get those hearts up to four! You have been warned ;)

Qarinah and Luna... well hey, just be glad that I didn't go with my original plan of having Jessica be evil and impale Emma through the chest right in front of your eyes! So much blood. I have the renders. They upset me, so the story was changed ;P

World-building... aw, shucks. I'm just a novice, but I try to learn and do a little better every day. Emphasis on "try" ;)

The kiddos (including Alice) will not ever be lewdable. They are innocent little treasures and their smiles must be protected. Although there will likely be an adult Alice in CK3. Time jumps, y'know.

Don't worry about the Patreon :) Honestly, so long as people play the game and enjoy it, that's enough for me! This is my first game, and the outpouring of support has been tears-to-the-eyes humbling and amazing. I honestly can't thank everyone enough for all the kindness and support (emotional and financial) they've shown.

You all rock.

You were... Emma... Aunt jessica... You... Definitely need therapy. But damn what a twist that would have been. Well now that I think about it, Aunt Jess hasn't been directly told not to hunt fey...

After the Corrupted Kingdom ends and is polished, do you want to make a cut content where you include/compare and make a short story of how you actually planned stuff to be. I wanna know why Jessica become that evil and how dark the story should actually go.