Very good game! Exactly the kind I like!
I've almost won it! I had to write a script to rebind keys though so
for a future update, built in keybindings in the settings would be nice,
as well as a Linux build. I'm running under WINE on Ubuntu.
I like that the boss fights are doable. One of the things I hate
about many Metroidvanias is that I will love them until I get to
a boss and then it will become so ridiculously hard that I either
give up or cheat. Or it will come to a part in the game where the
difficulty level sky rockets astronomically to an extremely more
difficult level than it had been. This game has a very good difficulty
curve as well and I also love the speed of it! It reminds me of
Castle in the Darkness as far as the speed and control, though it's
nowhere as difficult as that game. Many games that are fast are
uncontrollable but this has managed many design feats - keeping
the difficulty curve steady, making the game fast but still extremely
fair and controllable and fun, logical and well laid out puzzles and
level design... 8) Great job all around!