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This was beautiful :3 I adore the character designs and all of the art! I especially love those black and white CGs <3 They're absolutely stunning! I have a thing for black and white, as you can probably tell from my avatar, haha. But they just go so well with those fragments of the story and make it all the more fairytale-like ^-^

I felt like such an idiot with guessing the name because I thought I had figured it out, but I got the bad end x3 So then I was really confused. I went to the game page, saw the guide you had put (thank you so much for making that, by the way) and I was like, wait... and I looked it up online to double check cos going by your hint, I thought I got it right the first time. Turns out I put the wrong spelling >.< haha. It was fine though cos I made a save right before typing it in :3