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Thanks for the reply! I downloaded Brave x Valor 2.1.1. I'm using Windows 11, and I have Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 installed on it. I don't see any installation of DirectX on my computer. What version of DirectX, if any, should I make sure I have?

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I copied in the Saved folder in the place given in the directions of the fix you sent over. Unfortunately, the screen is still black, as before. Do I need to install DirectX?

Update: I used dxdiag and found out that my computer is running DirectX version 12. I hope this helps.

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Did you check DirectX from dxdiag already? if doesn't installed, you can install DirectX 12.
but you're using Windows 11?
I don't think this game are supported for Windows 11, well I thought that's the issues you got.
but it doesn't matter if you wanna try. :)


Thanks for the tech support! I ran dxdiag and found out my computer has DirectX 12.

In my experience so far, Windows 11 runs basically everything that Windows 10 runs, but I suppose there could be some exceptions. If we're out of ideas for further troubleshooting, I'd better thank you for your time and let you go. I appreciate your help!


Maybe this is also an game engine factor that still doesn't support exceptions for windows 11.
It seems that in the future I will have to upgrade the engine that I use to be able to support Windows 11 so anyone can play smoothly.
Anyway thank you for trying this game, and sorry for the major issues you got here.
If maybe i got a new solved for this game, i'll be notify you.

That would be great! :)