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(1 edit) (+2)

Great little game with excellent voice acting, artwork, and snappy dialogue!  Well written with a good sense of characterization for the two main characters, and a great sense of comedic timing.  Excellent adaptation of Inside No. 9.  I appreciate the hard work that went into providing full VA for both genders of not only the protagonist, but also the partner!


Thanks so much for checking it out :3 And also, I'm so relieved that you don't think it's an insult to the show or anything cos that's one of my biggest fears whenever I make an Inside No.9 adaptation xD I would be bloomin mortified if Reece and Steve somehow came across any of em someday and thought they sucked >.< Not that they're ever likely to! But still, I love the show to bits, so I just wanna do it justice.  I would have liked to add even more of my own branches and additional dialogue to it like how I went crazy on Limbo Line last year, haha. But I was super conscious of trying to keep the scope smaller this time around x3

I owe so much to the team because there's no way this would have worked at all without Eufasy's awesome art and all the cast's fantastic voice acting :3