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(4 edits) (+1)(-2)

There is way too much grinding. For one the deep scan ability should have a much lower chance of missing or none at all in order to keep the fights balanced, as missing two deep scans in a row is basically a guaranteedlost. 

Second of all converting GP into XP doesn't give you enough, so that's bad design. 

Third of all the GP grinding is absurd. The resource grinding while extremely annoying is somewhat balanced fairly. The economy of the GP is just broken, I mean you need 2 thousand to upgrade the med machine then you need another 2 grand to actually USE IT. What part of I upgraded it which took 10-15 minutes of my life, therefore I shouldn't need to pay more, do you not get? And then if that isn't bad enough you have to keep doing it over and over again to get treshold up just like with the leveling. This is boarderline EA design only there's no credit card involved so I can't understand the logic behind making the grind cycle this bad. 

Also converting signals into GP is a joke. 30 GP per scan, that's not acceptable. you need literally thousands. And the major scan only gives you 200 when it should give closer to 500 or more. The minor scan should be about 100 roughly speaking. 

(3 edits) (+1)(-2)

Overall the first hour or so is literally just grinding to repair the AI and repair enough of the ship to get to the second area, defeat the pheonix and then grind for the next while on even more resources you need. 

After awhile you realize that the over powered random enemies are not even worth fighting so you just flee from everything that isn't a boss full of GP and actual useful resources which is not really how a game should be played. 

I'm at the point now of being softlocked, there's only one rock in a cave left from the areas I have unlocked which has ONE of the purple ore, which I need 20. I could keep grinding for it for hours but honestly. I'm done.

Anyone who reviews this piece of shit game higher then one stare should get into hobbies like staring at paint dry on a wall, because that's basically the same exciting experience this game has to offer. Not only is it a terrible game that bores you to death, it's erotic content runs out within the first 10 minutes. I hope the developer quits and does some other project because this game sucks. Easily the worse NSFW game I have ever played. I've literally played 5 minute demos with zero erotic content that were less of a waste of my time as a player. The only way someone could make a worse game is by actually injecting malware into your computer. 


@PaddedStreamer, I appreciate the feedback. After looking at your commenting history, it's a proud badge of honor to get three comments on my game to show the depth to which you've played it compared to some of your other reviews. It is a work in progress, and I've got some good notes to work on here. If you could remind your one follower about that, I promise to work to improve the game. Thanks!