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This was fun! Loving the sound effects as you approach things and places. I'm also enjoying the progress since the state for the Inkjam, and I'm looking forward to the next bit!

Can I ask what tools you used within Unity to make this? I've only really got Ink experience and I'd like to expand my skillset.

I wrote my own script to interface Unity with Ink. Happy to share it if you like!


That would be amazing!

What's the best way for you to share it?

I'm working on packing up a version of the script without the stuff that's idiosyncratic to this project (like setting the text boxes to be the exact height of that particular game window). When I'm done, I'll share it.

Thank you so much!

OK, here's my Ink script, along with instructions:

Just wanted to let you know that I'm giving away free keys to the full game on Steam to people who played Chapter 1 on Itch. If you'd enjoy playing the rest of the game, let me know and I'll send you a key!

Yes please! And congratulations!

(1 edit)

Awesome! I just need an email address to send your key to. Or email and we'll send you one.