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A "Continue" button was neat, but scaling down to a NES 8-bit remake (Excute me a Demake) was kinda lame, just play the SNES Port or maybe download it for retroarch or raspberry pi, looks like some gameboy color game or gamegear game.  Though playing this on a browser is good but not revolutionary.


Look it's one thing to not understand the technical achievement this is, but to arrogantly call it "lame"... I can safely assume you have not achieved anything remotely as impressive in your life.


The game runs on a "fantasy console" called PICO-8. It's a game engine with harsh limitations like a 128x128 resolution, 16 colors, and 64 KiB of RAM. Why does that exist? For fun. A game like this running on something that limited is pretty impressive to me.

Absolutely no understanding of the amazing effort this took to create in Pico8 limitations! Play this on my Miyoo Mini all the time and would love to see a POOM 2 *hint hint*

I don't think you understand how impressive of a feat it is to make this within the constraints of Pico-8.