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From my playthroughs so far, this visual novel easily has the best writing I've seen. It's not uncommon for game jams to forgo proofreaders and for you to catch typos and syntax errors. I really enjoyed the metaphors especially! They helped really capture the vibe of what you were aiming for.

The art is loveable and the animations on the second half were very well done. I especially liked the sound fx and the dreary tune that plays throughout the game. It does well to set the mood, as well as conceal the twist.

As for said twist, I do believe it could've had a bit more build up to it. I knew that she had "episodes", however I think a few clues about the dangers of said episodes could've been expanded upon. Obviously the mystery needs to be a mystery, however proper build up and subtle hints make it all the more satisfying. That said, I'm not particularly good at solving mysteries...

Also, I'm not one to bring up excess assets, but I wish Jessica had more of a role. SHe was there for one scene and that's it. You could easily have tied her in to the end somehow, mainly leaving clues for the audience. Even though we knew she didn't know of her problems, there's a lot of potential for utilizing her to up the ante.

Good luck with your jam project!

Thank you for such a detailed comment and goodness, all the compliments 💕 Especially about the writing. I actually haven't written much over the past few years until earlier this year when I'd tackled my very first game jam so I'm thrilled to hear that you enjoyed how the game is written so much. 

One of our stretch goals was to actually give more screen time to Jessica. As it is, her scene is in there to give a somewhat "normal" scene amidst all the unsettling paranoia as well as a personal excuse to include a little splash of gay, haha. Plus I wanted to show how, even with her best friend and crush sitting right next to her, Sara's attention is still drawn to Tyler - further showing her paranoia. I definitely had a bit more planned for Jessica but ultimately wasn't able to include it before the deadline. We're currently planning some small updates, maybe we'll be able to get that extra part for Jessica in there later?