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A member registered Sep 30, 2019 · View creator page →

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This VN was meant to be kinetic, meaning they has no choices. As much as I’d love to expand on the story, I got another project that has my full attention. Once my irl licensure exams are over, I’ll be resuming production.

Don’t worry, it’ll have choices 😁

Unfortunately, only having a month to make a game puts a huge damper on the design elements. That and this project was for a visual novel jam, so we had to stay on topic 😉

Good day!

Sorry for the delayed response. The game is still in development. I'm creating a major devlog soon to discuss the major release

This game was heavily inspired by Persona 3 Reload, and I was watching Attack On Titan at the time, hence where the Emissaries came from.

I would like to make another title exploring Griswyr, buuuut I've got bigger plans ;)

Glad you enjoyed it. Voice acting is a luxury, and I would love for future projects to have it fully if I can afford it. Completely understand your comments regarding the info-y bits, I think this project was too ambitious for the time limit I was given.

Will look into those screenshots!

This made my morning! I've always like viewing my projects as anime in VN format!

I can understand why you thought the beginning was a tad slow. Maybe there were a few bits that I could've left up to the reader's imagination. Or maybe the walk between Caius and Griswyr more succinct. It's hard to give chars screen time in jam projects while also keeping a good pace.

Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it!

wow, thank you for the detailed comment! I’m glad you had such an enthralling experience! As a writer, sometimes I don’t know how my stories will impact people, especially ones written under a month.

You made my day. I look forward to showing you our future projects!

Appreciate it! Glad you liked it!

You absolute mad lad! You actually 100%ed our game?! Well this was nice to wake up to!

There were a few more lore entries planned, but we ran out of time. I thought I deleted all of the extra entries, but it appears I missed a few. Will add them in come the patch.

Thanks for playing!

Wow, thank you for the detailed response. It was very insightful and I hope others can get something out of it as well.

I'm glad to see that someone enjoys comedy as much as I do. Travel Devil will make yu smile, make you laugh, and make you concerned about where your soul is headed after you die.

The game's premise is simple, and the script and characters are charming enough to warrant unlocking all of the scenes. I won't tell you the reward for completing the game, butit's absolutely worth it lmao


Earlier Devlogs

Devlog #1


These past two weeks have been difficult for me. I've been struggling to stay focused. I'm unemployed at the moment so I should have all of the time to get stuff done, but I think I might be burning out. One thing to remember is that being a game designer isn't just limited to developing a game. Since I'm the director, I'm also responsible for researching marketing strategies, directing teammates, and so on. Coupled with a lack of income and the crushing depression from unemployment, it's been very difficult. However, we have made progress!

Writing and Playtesting

Most of the writing has been for the main story. As I've noted in the past, the writing in the demo is all but completed. I've been struggling to complete the current chapter I'm on, however the story will be 70% (not counting alternate paths) once it is finished. So what's the playtesting add-on for? Well this week, I sent out a playtest build to get general feedback. Fortunately, the demo's story doesn't suck eggs! People are still playing it so the feedback and due to spoiler reasons, I cannot elaborate on said feedback.


Problem with being unemployed is that you can't pay your artist. So until I get lucky, with freelance work or a job, I'm out of luck. Fortunately I do have something to show despite this. I completed a sprite and a CG. I cannot show the CG for spoiler reasons, but here's the sprite! Yes, he has no feet! Blame inflation, not me!

Programming and Playtesting

Not too much coding wise was accomplished, aside from the fact that I wrote my draft in ren'py. Again I lack income, so I can't pay for any big UI changes. As for the playtesting….there were bugs I somehow missed. My build ran thank God, but apparently some sprite placements were off. One of the most annoying tasks is testing my game. Since my demo takes an hour to get through, and because if I skip text I might miss errors, yeah it sucks… THankfully my testers were nice enough to pinpoint the bugs for me to tackle, though my sprite placements leave a lot to be desired…

Marketing and Playtesting

Oddly enough, my post asking for playtesting got a lot of traction. More traction than even my biggest reveals. I received a great deal of attention thanks to people retweeting and sharing my post. I received eight followers on Twitter wqithin a few hours. Aside from that, growth has been slow. Pretty typical for twitter, though I didn't post on Reddit yet. I've seen devs get burned alive on r/visualnovel even when they followed the rules, with the mods being all to eager to ban posts they deem NSFW. So why am I not trying other media like Tumblr or Tiktok. Two reasons; one I hate TikTok, two I was lucky enough to get to chat with a popular Marketing director Chris Z. He explained that for a first project, it's better to grow an audience in one area since you lack a following elsewhere. He believed that if I were to gain traction on twitter before switching to Tumblr, that my growth would multiply thanks to people migrating to both platforms. But more importantly, it means I don't have to keep up with multiple social media pages. A hard lesson for any starting dev is that most first games flop no matter how good they are, because no one knows you or your studio. So my main goal is to finish the game first and foremost! Besides I have a mailing list! Most indie devs don't know what a mailing list is huehuehue!

On a happier note, I am please to announce that I will be entering a polished playtest build into SuNoFes jam! This will help with exposure and help garner wishlists on my steam page (whenever they finally decide to verify my tax records). I initially didn't realize that SuNo was happening this year, only for it to pop up in September instead of June like normal. Regardless, it was a pleasant surprise since I had a serviceable build already being playtested. Could this hurt me in the long run? Maybe. See I don't expect any exposure I gain on itch to go very far. In fact, I doubt a lot of these people will even buy Philistine when it finally comes out. What I'm hoping for is that they'll merely wishlist my game. Why? Because Steam's algorithms prioritize games with higher wishlists. This is especially important on Next Fest Festivals. If by some miracle Philistine got over 7,000 wishlists, it'd appear on the "Popular Upcoming" page. I'm not aiming for 7,000 though, I'm aiming for more than zero. 

Miscellaneous Personal Crap

On the side, I've been tinkering with RPGMaker. I've been trying to spec into designing maps and have been considering making a small game on the side. It wouldn't be too long and would only reach up to level five, but it would serve as a finished project in my folio. Why does this matter? Because future sequels might be RPGs rather than VNs! RPGMaker has the ability to run VNs just like Ren'py with the RPG engine ready to go. Of course it can't do anything else buyt make RPGs… I've also been considering learning Naninovel on Unity to get some coding experience under my belt. While I will finish Philistine in Ren'Py, the engine itself only goes so far. I'd love to tinker and experiment with new and new programs to expand my horizons and become a better designer. I understand that this isn't related to the game itself, but the truth is I've been struggling to write all day and needed an outlet that was semi-productive.

However I recently sat down and took a lot at my ambitions. Like many adults with too much free time on their hands, I had a lot, so much that it was actually holding me back. I did have all of the time in the world don't get me wrong. I could easily spend four hours a day learning how to code and the other four developing Philistine. Problem is, my situation is temporary. As we speak, I have LinkedIn and Indeed open as if they were Reddit. I won't have the ability to pursue all of these ambitions once I get a full time job. So I sat down and picked three dreams I wanted to complete. You bet your butt that finishing Philistine was at the top of the list. The other two I picked was Finding Love/Improving Interpersonal Skills, and running a Pathfinder game. That means no more dabbling in coding, no going back to school, and no joining the circus, yet. i can always come back later once one of the dreams I picked was complete. So once I finish Philistine, then I can start learning coding since I have that milestone behind me. And I'm willing to bet that learning how to code isn't nearly as hard as directing an indie project. 


Overall, everything is coming along nicely. Slower than I'd like, but welcome to game design. As sad as I am to abandon learning how to code, I understand that it's for the best right now. At least my path is much clearer than before. Game Design is a very challenging path to take, and there are many days that I fear I'm going insane. It just goes to show you how important it is to watch your physical and mental health. Future devlogs will focus on the SuNoFes jam demo's completion. I won't be gathering a lot of art assets for a while, and most of my writing will be for the main story, so future vlogs might be a little lacking. Just remember that these slower cycles are natural for a game's development. 

I appreciate you taking time out of your day to read through this. For me, just putting myself back out there is a big step forward! I hope to publish a new devlog bi-weekly on both itch and my steam once I get the page uploaded.If you'd like to support me, follow me on twitter at and join my mailing list for more personalized updates AND a free game!

(1 edit)

What is

Hello and welcome to my first devlog of- wait a minute! This is a REUPLOAD of my first devlog! Unfortunately I ran into some technical difficulties with and fell out of writing devlogs bi-weekly. So I figured a new start would be a good idea! So my semi-kinetic visual novel follows a Dretchling (totally not a DnD Tiefling) named Priam. Dretchlings are a race of people who have devil's blood, thus making them look like devils and being hated by everyone.


The gameplay focuses on the player guiding Priam’s decision making. They aren’t controlling Priam, but influencing him. He has his own character, and a lot of the decisions you make will be vague. For example, you might see the decision "console", only for Priam to be blunt and speak in a manner that isn't very consoling. I chose this approach to make the choices you make more immersive. I've never been a fan of self-insert protagonists, or characters that could act contrary to their characterization because you picked the bad option. Therefore, I made the healthy decision to project all of my bias into the gameplay! 

Decisions are mostly dialogue focused, but also encourage how Priam behaves and thinks. How the story plays out, how people view Priam, and even certain dialogue choices will be altered. You might see decisions that align more to how virtuous or malicious Priam has been, and his inner monologue might reflect this as well. 

As I mentioned before, this is a semi-kinetic visual novel. A lot of these decisions will not affect the story on a grand scale until a certain threshold. Once that threshold is reached, you get an ending based on a culmination of decisions you made, rather than one decision netting you a bad end. This is a lot like how Stein's Gate handles its endings, where the story continues or enters an ending based upon how you've handled the situation. By taking this approach, I have made a game that won't take forever to finish while also having some replayability.

Lasty, the game is chocked full of lore to unlock! This is a tertiary reward for choices. Collecting the lore will not lock you into endings or impact the story. It's moreso a mechanic that allows me to not lore dump the readerin order to explain a plot device. Think of the lore entries like the books in Elder Scrolls games. They're around for anyone who is interested,, and completely optional!


Like just about every visual novel out there, we will be using an anime artstyle. This was picked for marketing reasons and because I like anime. CGs are planned, but I'd rather not show them due to spoiler reasons. I don't want to get into the specifics of "how much" yet because I'm currently unemployed, but let's just say enough to make a good game! I plan to commission capsule art and all the bells and whistles needed for the steam page, once they confirm that I'm not a robot, but nothing has been finalized.

Programming and UI

Also like most visual novels, this game will be coded in Ren'py. Yes I know what Naninovel is and yes I know RPGmaker might be advantageous, but it's too late to swap engines. Ren'py is a great program for beginner VNDevs and has more than enough tools to make a successful visual novel. Maybe future games will use Unity or other engines, but I'd much rather release a game first!

As for the UI, I really hope you enjoy purple and gold. I picked those two colors to represent the darker atmosphere of Philistine. They also look really cool and that UI cost me $200 so I don't want to change it. I might look at adding a darker texture to the textboxes or at least adding the option for one, as well as make more buttons, but nothing has been finalized.

Sound FX / Composition

I probably have…way too many sound fx. I have a decent assortment of "recycled" compositions from  earlier drafts of Philistine, back when it was a platformer. More on that later, the point is the game is pretty good when it comes to the sound department. And that intro_theme slaps! I wish I could list it, but it's a spoiler!


As of this post, I have a serviceable build for the demo to be tested. I plan on sending it out once my programnmer makes some final adjustments. I hope to release the demo early next year, and I hope to have the game completed by 2024

The story itself has been outlined, and I am about 60% completel with the story's first draft. Once the draft is completed, I hope to refine and add in the alternate dialogue options. I believe that by the time the demo is released, I should have first draft completed and revised.

Art is a different story. My lead artist has been going through real life stuff, and while I need to find a new artist, I'm not looking forward to searching. I've had nurmerous troubles with artists in the past, and I am currently in no position to pay anyone. I do have enough of the assets created to get a decent build going at least.

The programming is in line with the writing. I script my drafts in ren'py. Much of what will be needed depends on the feedback I get from my testers. Had I used RPGMaker or Unity, this would not have been the case.

Sound Design is actually mostly complete! I've been struggling with finishing the game for too long, but I've been able to reuse all of the FX and comps I've commissioned over the years. Special thanks goes to my sound composer, who has been on the team since the beginning. I actually feel bad asking him to make effects, since he still goes by RevShare despite me offering to pay. The main thing I see Philistine needing is ambience and a few more compositions, but that's it!

Marketing Plans

Let's be clear here, marketing terrifies me! I've been studying Chris Z's marketing blogs, but I still have anxiety. Marketing is easily the hardest aspect of game design, since bad marketing can cause the best of games to fail.

My main idea is to use Twitter. Yes it's going to crap, but it is still one of the better marketing platforms for Indies, until Elon does something else. Reddit is the backup, but I won't be posting as much as Twitter. Most subs despise self promotion, even if it's allowed. I've heard good things about Tiktok, but I don't think I have it in me to release videos. Philistine unfortunately does not have have many gameplay mechanics to show off, as is the bane of many visual novels. I've also found Tumblr to be too inactive to invest into. It's a great place if you understand the algorithm, and its marketed towards indies and people who like typing really long posts, but I don't think I'll get much use out of it in this stage of development.

I will also be utilizing a mailing list. This and my steam page will be the call-to-action. Twitter and Reddit will only serve to spread awareness, whereas getting subscribers to my mailing list will be how I hope to earn customers. I plan on sprucing up my discord server, but this is more of a formality than a must have. I don't expect it to become active, just there for people to congregate.

Will this work? Probably not. Philistine is my first game, and visual novels are  niche genre. If anything, just me finishing it will be an achievement. 


I appreciate you taking time out of your day to read through this. For me, just putting myself back out there is a big step forward! I hope to publish a new devlog bi-weekly on both itch and my steam once I get the page uploaded.If you'd like to support me, follow me on twitter at and join my mailing list for more personalized updates AND a free game!

Mao;ed the atmosphere. Loved the medical terminology too. I don't know why horror and medical science go so well together.

The GUi is insane! All for a free game too. Throw some halloween stuff in and enter it in Spooktober under a different name. Maybe they won't notice...?

Good day! As the post states, I am looking for a co-writer to assist with choice dialogue. By choice dialogue, I mean the script found in choices/alternate/dialogues. My game has no routes (thank god) and follows a hierarchical ending style like Stein’s Gate, where the ending is based upon an amalgamation of choices made.

The idea is a mixture of a morality point system and a friendship point system. This helps the game feel more dynamic, with endings being based upon a mixture of both. I’m still finishing up the story, so having someone focus on the side stuff would be really beneficial for me.

My game is a dark fantasy style vn that follows a Dretchling (human with devil blood, totally not a tiefling) named Priam. It contains action, adventure, a character driven story, and gets very dark, very quickly. I currently have a playable build which will be the demo I could send. It’s not complete, but I plan to fine tune and release in the first Nextfest of 2024

Regarding payment, I am unfortunately unemployed atm. Therefore the best I can offer is a work swap. I can co-write, edit, and maybe even write some alternate choices myself. Most of my experience comes from VNs, but I also have experience writing traditional novel scripts and copyediting.

Here is my potfolio. Please message me on Discord at UltraShiko#7617 if you’d be interested in helping. I’m most active thwre and don’t want to risk missing any messages. Cheers!

There actually is a fast forward button on the cassette player as well as a rewind and pause button. Yeah, those aren't just for show lol.

You said you couldn't understand the context of the tapes too well? Could you elaborate? I'm compiling a list of feedback for our programmer to tinker with over the weekend.

Thanks for playing! 

The use of RPGMaker is impressive, especially for the "gameception" that occurs later on. It was innovative, especially in regards the "glitchy" effects and the distorted OSTs t6hat appear later.

The premise is unique, with the symbolism with the video game cleverly implemented. There's also the mystery of Mei's condition that is given just enough context for us to grasp her plight. Not everything needs an explanation, especially when the quotes and game symbolism fill in all the holes.

The point-and-click segments, while innovative, felt tacked on as well as the choices we were given. A lot of the interactions amounted to "oh, this isn't what I want" and vice versa. Now I only played this once and got the "Little Bird" ending so I imagine the choices do have merit. But at the same time I believe that they could've been implemented earlier and possibly even given more purpose in the game. But again, the scope presented to us by the game itself, especially in regards to the one-month time limit are more than enough to make up for these nuisances.

Best of luck in the jam!

If we're this solid as an alpha, imagine what this project will look like with some polish

I asked our programmer to mark the tapes played as well, however we had to crunch to get this project out in time. But you're absolutely right. That is confusing.

> Gameplay has no bugs

"Oh good, he didn't play this on an ultrawide monitor"

Glad you like it. The slow burn was a concern for us. A lot of people dislike slow burn stories, so we got to go all out without giving it away.  I was hoping everyone would laugh at how derpy Detective Moore looks until the evidence locker appears lol

From my playthroughs so far, this visual novel easily has the best writing I've seen. It's not uncommon for game jams to forgo proofreaders and for you to catch typos and syntax errors. I really enjoyed the metaphors especially! They helped really capture the vibe of what you were aiming for.

The art is loveable and the animations on the second half were very well done. I especially liked the sound fx and the dreary tune that plays throughout the game. It does well to set the mood, as well as conceal the twist.

As for said twist, I do believe it could've had a bit more build up to it. I knew that she had "episodes", however I think a few clues about the dangers of said episodes could've been expanded upon. Obviously the mystery needs to be a mystery, however proper build up and subtle hints make it all the more satisfying. That said, I'm not particularly good at solving mysteries...

Also, I'm not one to bring up excess assets, but I wish Jessica had more of a role. SHe was there for one scene and that's it. You could easily have tied her in to the end somehow, mainly leaving clues for the audience. Even though we knew she didn't know of her problems, there's a lot of potential for utilizing her to up the ante.

Good luck with your jam project!

The art for this jam project is easily the best I've seen so far in this jam. Halloween vibes are masterfully crafted into the UI and curso and the premise of the story seems tailor made for this jam. And to make such a stylish game in such a short amount of time is impressive to say the least. The CG near the end of the game was really funny as were the transitions; one such transition involving the MC screaming.

The voicework is cunningly applied. I've noticed several VNs that record grunts and one-liners to save money but sill have an immersive effect. The options listed are solid and accessible as well. I always appreciate having the ability to turn down the volume. You'd be amazed at how many jam projects don't let you do this.

Seeing as this project is still a work-in-progress, I highly recommend finding a proofreader or a line editor to search for structural and grammatical errors in the script. It appears that you aren't a native speaker, seeing as some of the voicelines are recorded in Japanese. All the more reason to find someone qualified to help you iron out the script. Perhaps one of your fans can assist you in this.

Another problem is the choices. A lot of them simply have no effect. If anyone has found the "bad end" you'd understand where I'm coming from. However some would be bad even if this game had a yuear in the oven. I found once branching path near the end that said the same thing, but with different words. Also choices that branch back to the original choice menu should be used sparingly. I'm referring to the "black cat" choice.

Story-wise, this is a solid piece for a jam project. But if you plan on making this a full-fledged visual novel, I highly recommend delving deeper into each character and adding more to their lore. Your premise is solid, the world is interesting, and your cast is enjoyable. I believe that you can turn this into a formidable game, especially with that art!

Best of luck in the jam! 

A fun way to start out the jam! A simple yet enjoyable little entry with whimsical humor, dark undertones, and with a rudimentary yet enjoyable premise!

I think this game's greatest strength is its humor. Perhaps I'm not a good person, but the idea of an animal someone finding a way to get itself ensnared by a chair had me in tears. I have 9 dogs and a cat and their antics aren't that far off.

However, I wish the game took more of an ambitious route. I noticed that certain animals when refused or accepted displayed devil horns, a halo, or a ;/. I experimented to see if muking up the results got you anywhere, but I didn't notice any alterations in the gameplay.

Also, the UI for accepting and refusing an animal disappears after the first wave of animals. If you intentionally did this to mess with the player, than perhaps you should've swapped out the fiery sound fx that plays as well when you click the left option. Otherwise, you might want to try and fix this before a judge gets their mitts on this.

An excellent entry all the same however! Sometimes, a basic premise is just as enjoyable as a complex game! 

Appreciate the criticism. Unfortunately we could not get out the "perfect" build before the deadline, so we cut our losses and uploaded what we could. Crunch time is never fun... But I'll be sure to let our programmerknow what you've brought up. He was itching to polish this game after it was uploaded

Excellemt feedback! We love your support!

We appreciate your support! Everyone worked very hard to put together this project. This has been my second jam project so far and even I was thrown off at how in synch everyone was during the development

In regards to the audio of the tapes, we tried to leave them untouched for the sake of the reference. And as the scriptwriter, this hurt my brain.

The dialogue was very clunky at times, some sentences were too long, and some of the wordplay was much to be desired. 

Our VAs appreciate your support. They worked really hard to pull off a convincing performance, especially in regards to those audio lines

I appreciate your feedback and absolutely agree that there were some kinks. Unfortunately we were running down the wire with this submission, so we had to cut our losses and upload what we had.

Could you please list some areas that need to improve? Our programmer expressed interest in updating the submission once he had rested up. 

We may even release this on Steam as a victory lap, so we'd like to have the best build we could get

I think this game has a lot of potential and has a solid foundation for work. Unfortunately it's hard fpr me to give feedback considering that through our discussions, you were on the wire when it came to the completion of this game. However you should still be proud of your success nonetheless. How many people could say that they've released a jam project outside of the vndev community?

You've probably heard these before, but here are some pointers I would like you to consider when revisiting this project.

-Expand, expand, and expand. I think you have a cool motif going with this Lost and FOrgotton theme, but the execution needs more polish. I was asking myself constantly while playing your game; "What does turning mean?' and many similar questions about elements of the world. When you come back to review the script, I encourage you to consider when reading "How can I expand upon this to give it more meaning and impact"?

-I believe Poppy out of all the chars needs work. In my humble opinion, I found her to be too composed and too calm considering that she was just isekaied into another dimension. The survival bit at the start felt very immersive, but said immersion was broken as I found her, or myself, eagerly accepting everything that was asked of me. 

-In regards to the choices, there are areas where I believe that there are too many and two few choices available. In the start of the game, I was bombarded with choices, some being understandable such as running or waiting whilst others felt benign or meaningless such as grabbing a knife or a lantern from your bag. One choice I really disliked was the rest or look for clues choice because when I picked "rest" initially, the game warned me of missing out on clues. While I can understand this concept on paper, it came off as hand holdy considering that this is a choose your own adventure style game. There were also choices that only gave me one option. I'm uncertain if these occurrences were due to me lacking clues so I'll ignore that nitpick

-The tone of the game felt jagged to me. It started out as a choose your adventure-esque game only to slowly morph into a kinetic story. I was kinda bummed that there weren't choices that led to an escape route, but this might be one of the endings you told me about that you had in mind. Also, it was kinda awkward to be addressed in the third person when being spoken too, only to have it shift to second person when describing my actions. I couldn't tell if I was the MC or if I was guiding Poppy. What I'd suggest when updating is to really ground yourself on what you want this game to be. Look to your GDD and really fine tune everything.

-While it was awesome that you got VAs in on a jam project, some of them were hit or miss I'm afraid. I think Ronin's VA did a serviceable job at executing his lines and Poppy was alright. A lot of the enunciations on the lines, especially those that had the characters yelling, were a tad underwhelming. Then again I'm not a VA nor do I claim to know what good VAing is like. Just my two cents

I wish you the best of luck on the second release. Games like this sometimes need a bit more than a month for their true potential to be realised

One thing I thought was innovative about the game was how small lore tidbits were placed around certain words to help us understand the world and culture.  I would love to learn how to do the same for future projects

The art and compositions are phenomenal! They were both very fitting to the theme and tone of your piece. They really captured the beauty we've come to admire from japanese pieces.

Though, I found the overall story a little confusing. Especially since Ren was trying to make amends, but I felt that "him abandoning her" should've had more depth to it and presented earlier. Maybe I just didn't notice it, but I wasn't sure why Koharu was so hostile to him.

I also felt that the reparation bit was a tad to succinct. I liked the "big revelation" arc, but it felt unearned, at least in my opinion. I think had the riceball scene had more depth put into it, it would've sold me.

That said, please don't take my critiques too harshly. We all only had a month to forge a script and a game. I don't criticize to be mean or nasty, but because I would want the same done to my pieces so that I may learn. This was a solid read and you should be proud regardless of what others had to say.

Solid Work!

The story was chilling, there was a lot of psychological and biological elements a student like myself could enjoy, and my favorite aspect about this game was how the cutscenes and sprites flowed so naturally!

You've got to share some of that code!

An interesting piece on the human decomposition. It was definitely unique in it's tone and the story presented

The sound fx and osts were perfect as well as the dreary artstyle. The characters also seemed to fit well for the theme as well.

That said, there were a few bumps in the road, as is to be expected in any game that is to be made within the span of a month. While I've given the creator my personal thoughts, I really think such an interesting premise should be revisited in the future. This idea has loads of potential and with more time then a mere month, I think this idea could be a phenomenal piece for the horror genre of visual novels

I simply cannot understand how someone can make such a phenomenal piece in only a month

The artwork is stellar, the music fitting, and the topic of grief was handled with the respect and realism most media failt to achieve.

The game also is fairly lengthy in terms of vn jam projects. Whilst it took me a month to make a short, you may created a small movie of sorts.

You have my utmost respect as a game developer. I wish you the best of luck in the judging

We’ll just have to see