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I really liked this game overall!! Loved the atmosphere and art

Just a question about ending 14: I'm pretty sure I did all the other endings (used a checklist to keep track), but after finishing the 'Escape' ending, a small cutscene played, credits rolled and the game went back to the title. I pressed on 'New Game' but instead of getting ending 14, all the game data was erased and I had to restart? I'm not sure if this was a bug or if I did miss an ending by accident which is why it reset ;;


I'm so glad you enjoyed the game!! And oh no!! Did it fully reset? Is the wall of the posters you collect for each endings still there with all your previous posters? If so, it means you missed something and didn't get every ending yet! 


Thank you so much for that!! I just checked and the posters are all intact, so I definitely missed something so thats on me lol :,D
Otherwise just wanted to say this game is really amazing and one of my all time favourite indies now ^^