The world is a bleak place, indeed, but that is exactly what we avoid every time we turn on the tvtv, or read a book, or turn on the PC to play games or keep up with the current news even if it is biased and totally focused on the misery of other people.
Key word being other people.
Even the worst atrocitys only affect us only to a certain degree, and it becomes a focal point to numb the difficultys that are personal and do have effects in the real world, but which feel so much less under our control, to which we are helpless.. I'll take the Eternum path out of it, any day too, if it existed in real life.
It's not easy to give substance to fictional characters, in any game of any sort. And yet, I feel like some characters have shown more depth then typical.
*Minor Spoiler alert*
For example, the day Alexandra becomes Alex, that felt emotional to me.
To me, Eternum is one of the most fascinating games of the moment. How far the world has come from the times of Pong lol