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(2 edits)

9) sleeping after 0:00 skips a day (for example: you start on Monday, not sleep till Tuesday 0:03, go to sleep and its Wednesday 7:00 not Thursday)

10) trying to open the agility chest in Forest Nightwatch triggers the fight even if you already defeated him, it also reappers after exiting the zone

11) if you stand in the path of a roaming werewolf you can alter its route.

12) if you escape in Forest Nightwatch the icons for inventory, map and journal become displaced

13) can't surrender in werewolf fights, pressing it just skips your turn

not sure if bug or not but there is a counter in dungeons that counts moving from tile to tile

Btw could you make a storage place for all the knick knacks we find on our journey pretty please? Selling everything to Sebas just is not comfortable and irks me

(1 edit)
This himbo really loves making axes huh(yes it is a new file, buying the third one crashes the game)

Damn damn~ That was a very very elaborate and detailed! Thank you so much!

For 1,2,4,5,7,9,10,12,13, they're fixed now~ Thank you so much again for helping me spot out the errors~

3) It's fixed now too, but you have to go to sebas' shop to update the variables

6) I wanna say it's intended but it's not, I was just kinda lazy... and adding a new variable in the inventory is gonna cause some big save-breaking stuff... I'll try that next patch without save breaking stuff...!

8) Damn~ I'm not sure if it's in the dark forest or in the dungeon? Hopefully I've fixed them but I'm not sure~

11) Yeye~ I'm aware with this~ with the current convoluted way I made them move, I think it's kinda dangerous for me to try anything else (Making the werewolf move cost me almost a week) so I'll keep it like this for the moment~

And I've removed the counter, it was for debug~... and I forgot about it...

And I think the inventory is now infinite with pages and stuff~ hopefully that fixes the problem... I don't mind adding storage too but it doesn't feel as good to store them and then forget about them until the end of world, or getting the same thing still clogging up the inventory 10 second later~