New ideas at 5/10:
1. Similar to the yesterday's idea. As I long time mentioned before, locker can storage anything, combinations not only combination with another locker, another items too.
2. Different combinations change the area effect, and the area effect change the area's ecology. The special character such as nurse should show up in nurse room in normal. After the area's ecology changed, nurse may not show up in nurse room, and the bunny girl / cheerleading / photographers may be as an alternative for examples.
3. Similar to the combinations. I hope the dimensional locker can abduct the girls, dimensional locker can running good even without abduct anyone, but different places or situations or girls had been abducted can affect the results.
At last, a strong suggestion, hopefully this game can be selling in Steam platform. Steam is allow the game with adult content, also selling the game in Steam can be more easier to promote.