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Hardest I've laughed so far in this jam! All the table talk is completely hilarious and really captures the feel of an RPG session without overstaying its welcome. The cartoony art is so quirky and expressive and really well implemented--the animation in the fights was really fun, and all the specialized art you drew for particular scenes, like Ignatius being held upside down, adds a lot. Plus it all builds to surprisingly genuine emotional stakes. Impressive all around, especially as a solo project!

OH GOSH THAT IS SUCH HIGH PRAISE!!! Thank you very much!! I never know how my random humor will hit with other people LOL so it tickles me pink that you found it so entertaining. And thank you for the lovely words about the art and animation! I had a ton of fun (maybe a little too much at times) directing scenes and trying to make them lively and exciting 🤭 And I'm glad you liked how it all ended up, as well!

Thank you so so much for playing and for this wonderful comment! Hearing this means so much and really brightened my day!! 🥰💕