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I wanted to like this game, but I cannot abide a game that actively cheated me. The rules stated you cannot play two even cards in a row and you cannot play a card matching the tops of any stacks. His capture stack shows a 9, he plays a 9. I press the bell, I get penalized. He plays a 4, then a 6. I press the bell, I get penalized. Unless I'm supposed to ring the bell WHEN the cards are on the table, which it WON'T LET ME DO due to the bastard never shutting up, I don't see how I was in the wrong for ringing the bell. Without the 10 points he got because I tried to play the game properly, he lost, as I would've captured the 9 he played to capture my 2 on the last turn to get 101 points. Its a wonderful idea, and theming, and had an amazing premise, but the sheer frustration at the failings of the game ruined the experience for me.

9.5/10 on presentation and concept, but until either an explanation of why I couldn't call him on his cheating is proffered or whatever language barrier errors caused me to misunderstand the rules regarding the bell is fixed, I cannot give it more than a 5/10 on playability.


The "matching the top of a stack" card seems to be bugged from various reports we've seen, sadly; it'll get fixed eventually.

Glad to hear a fix is planned, and I'll gladly update my rating in the future once the fix is released and things are working more smoothly. As I said I conceptually love the game and it's theming, its just the frustrating current state that was bothering me.

By the by, the game is updated and that bug was fixed ;)

I'm pretty sure I'm still seeing this bug. :(

Which version are you playing?