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Perfectly captures the feeling of playing DnD with friends!

As someone who tends to be rather timid, I greatly identified with Ignatius.  I loved all the characters and how they interacted with each other. I really wanted to romance them all!

The visual representation is absolutely stunning. I was in absolute awe about the animations. The fight scenes were epic! I enjoyed it when body parts were flying around, made laugh quite hard!

I am really surprised this is a solo dev project. This is so insanely well polished! You seem to be a master of everything!

Thank you for making this game. I had lots of fun playing it!

Ahhhhhh thank you so much for playing and for this lovely comment!! I'm really glad you enjoyed the characters! And I'm glad I could pull off that vibe! I'm still not sure if I was aiming for DnD exactly—but I was definitely going for that type of vibe generally, mostly for it to feel rather silly and fun, so hearing that makes me really happy!

HHHHHH thanks for the words about the animations. Directing the scenes and animating and scripting everything definitely took me the most time out of... like... EVERYthing else I did for this game (and a lot longer than I had initially expected it to take LOL), so I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed them and got a laugh!

"You seem to be a master of everything!" --> LOL THIS COULDN'T BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH but thank you for the kind words regardless 🥺💕 Thank you again for playing and taking the time to write up your thoughts!!