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And these games like yours help me get over my fear over girls and you really made that come true thanks you you help so many people putting this game out with fear of girls or with social akaward people you made life good and great for people your one of those people that we need saving everyones life your the person we all give support to and we will for our whole life but if people dont then there not true people you made my life, my classmates life better thank you.


.. Please dont base your views of girls off porn games mate.. Please please PLEASE dont do that..

It will lead no where good. Instead, play an online game where you can join a guild or something similar. Start out small just say hi and so on. Talk like you would to a dude.

...I only have lesbien friends... no guys well there trans but their girls... so idk how to talk to a dude


You realize lesbians are women, right? A lesbian is a woman attracted to another woman. Which means you know how to talk to women.. Also, just talk to people like you would your lesbian and trans friends. People are people, sexuality has little to do with being friends.