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As is often the case with these jams, I would like to see this game fleshed out into something bigger. I don't mean a larger world; I mean a feeling of it being a bigger game. I think it could start with a much smaller maze, which would be easier to navigate, and the key could be used to lead you to progressively larger mazes with the enemy acting more aggressive. The maze was way too large for me to get a feel for it looking at it before I went in; however, I was impressed by just how massive the maze felt when I went in, and I think that awesome feeling could be preserved while giving the player a fairer difficulty curve.

The game looks good, though there's just not much to say about it because most of that is in darkness. That's not a bad thing, but since the light doesn't reveal much more in terms of textures or anything, there's still not a whole lot to go on here.

Not sure what other people make of the audio, but I actually found the whisper sound of the enemy to be very unique and unsettling as a pursuer sound, and the simple 4 note loop of the music to be very fitting. I do wish that background music evolved a little more, with some drones and harmonies and things, but I did like it as-is too.

I didn't know what to make of how you implemented the theme until I read your description of it after playing, and I have to say, it's a very creative application! Dividing "Lightshow" into "light" and "show", while unconventional, does show a lot of cleverness behind the development. Knowing what you were going for now, that might be my favorite aspect of the game - the light shows something essential, which is obvious enough, but it also shows the light, and both aspects are essential to the gameplay. Pretty brilliant, honestly.

The limitation "Only One" is supposed to "be a technical or a design limitation", and you didn't really explain how you tried to implement that, if you did at all. That's okay though; while it's not the most creative thing, I couldn't help but think throughout about how there's "Only One" enemy and "Only One" key; a single pursuer enemy is common enough, but the fact that there are multiple possible spawning points for the key, and yet, only one spot has the one thing you need, makes me feel like you at least fulfilled the "Only One" limitation with the design on a basic level that impacts the gameplay.

All in all, I'll say the same thing I often find myself saying with games made for jams, which is nevertheless true: I'd like to see this thing fleshed out with more nuance, more progression, and more gameplay elements. It's a solid foundation, and you did great with the limitations you were given. It genuinely made me somewhat anxious, which is a huge plus in my book!