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Good day

Thanks for taking the time to answer my inquiries. I appreciate that. :)

"Keep in mind we're a tiny indie team -- and there's limits to what we can do and how much we can branch the game's outcomes, but our aim is to offer a good mix of gameplay options. For example, talking to a depressed soldier in an attempt to help him resolve his war-induced trauma is an example of a "cosmetic" quest that doesn't impact the world, since it only concerns a single individual. "

I'm well aware of the limitations that might come with being a small indie team. It wasn't my intention to suggest any Witcher level of sidequests or lots of branching paths. If it was possible, it would be amazing with this game! But I'm glad there will be some branching and consequences. One of my fears was it being a total linear story without any input on my side about how to play or what to do. but now I know I will be able to do that, so I'm relieved.

The "cosmetic" term I used for choices was about the quest resolution being the same in the end regardless of the option I chose through the dialog.

I'll use the soldier example you gave. Having an impact on him and shaping how he sees me wouldn't be a cosmetic quest as it has an actual impact, if not on the world itself, then on the individual. A cosmetic one is one in which you finish it and when you return to that person, they act as if you have never met before, despite the fact that you may have saved his life.

No impact on the world or the individual related to the quest with different dialog lines that lead to the same outcome no matter how you act or what you choose. That is cosmetic to me.

So if I see things changing, even if a tiny bit, because of my choices and actions, then it's a plus in my book!

The game is meant to have 3 acts. I hope they are long acts because the game looks so good and has so much potential that I would be disappointed and sad if it was only 3 short acts. I want to experience this world for a long while if possible.

I made up my mind about supporting the game! The question now is, are there any advantages or disadvantages if I choose to buy it instead of pledging on patreon? Is there anything I'd get if I pledged that I wouldn't get if I bought the game?

I'm glad the game is so well documented and I liked your answers; they soothed any doubts about many aspects of the game.

best regards,

-Depraved Hedonist