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(4 edits)

Hello DepravedHedonist, glad to see you're interested in our game! :)

I'll do my best to answer your questions...

1. The Choices

Game choices (and the Captain's Archetypes) are all meant to have an impact on your character, as well as how the world and its NPCs react to you. The main takeaway is that certain variables in the background track how much of a good/bad guy you are, and will subtly influence everything from companion reactions to merchant prices to which quests you'll be offered when you enter a new map! The Archetypes system is there to give you robust role-playing options and let you act out whatever type of Captain you want to be (good, evil, cruel, greedy, benevolent, helpful, amoral, diplomatic, lecherous, etc., or any mix of them), with all the ensuing consequences of your actions!

You can read more about it in these devlogs we posted here on Itch:

ToLLA Devlog #6: Gameplay Mechanics (Renown & Karma)

ToLLA Devlog #2: Roleplaying & Protagonist Archetypes

ToLLA Devlog #9: Gameplay Mechanics (Party Morale)

As to quest resolutions, it all depends on the type of quest: small and local tasks will have an impact only on the person (or group) offering them to you, while larger and longer story missions will influence the main plot. Keep in mind we're a tiny indie team -- and there's limits to what we can do and how much we can branch the game's outcomes -- but our aim is to offer a good mix of gameplay options. For example, talking to a depressed soldier in an attempt to help him resolve his war-induced trauma is an example of a "cosmetic" quest that doesn't impact the world, since it only concerns a single individual. On the other hand, entering a new location in pursuit of your primary mission and having to pick between two warring tribes of shifters will greatly impact who you'll be able to work for, shop from, and the outcome of that part of the story.

There's also the Crisis System and all its details - you can read more about it here:

ToLLA Devlog #13: Storytelling & Narrative Mechanics (Crises)

2. Female Orcs

Those two she-orcs are companion characters, but there will be many more female orc NPCs that'll cross your path. Greenskins feature prominently in the game's story, and will get their dedicated areas you'll be able to visit and explore. Your party will run into many of them while pursuing the main quest, and you'll be able to fight some of them, trade/negotiate with others, and sleep with quite a few of their females (she-orcs find human men irresistible). It's basically like in any RPG where you infiltrate an enemy town or encampment, and can then immerse yourself in its content. So yes, there will be lots of orc women for you to seduce! Some will even offer quests, and will reward you with sex (alongside material rewards like trinkets/weapons/gold). The green orc and grey orc mentioned above are recruitable partymembers, but apart from them you'll run into tons of other female orc NPCs once the main story takes you to greenskin-held areas. Also, futas/dickgirls are planned to have about 5% of the overall content budget as far as lewds are concerned; the other 95% of lewd scenes are with regular women (orcs included).

If you're interested about lewd content in general, you can check out the accompanying dev log:

ToLLA Devlog#4: Kinks & Fetishes & Lewd Scenes

3. Supported Platforms

We definitely want to release for Linux/Mac/Android, but the problem is that some of the core scripts and plugins we use for the game are interfering with that, and causing problems. It's not a simple matter of removing them either, since they impact core functionality. Resolving this issue is definitely on our to-do list, but it's not a current priority (right now we're focused on generating more content for the game: more maps, quests, lewd scenes, NPCs and miniatures, etc.).

4. Story Choices & Consequences

The game has certain story beats that are predetermined (like the main villain, plot-critical locations, important NPCs, etc.), but we want to give players as much freedom as possible. So while you'll definitely be gently nudged in the direction of the main story, you'll always be able to tackle it at your own pace... and in between you'll get to visit other locations and undertake secondary quests. We're huge fans of the old Infinity Engine games like Baldur's Gate 1&2, and are building ToLLA to have a similar structure: basically a world map with self-contained areas and quest hubs you can travel between at your leisure. Or to give you a new(er) example, the Pathfinder games from Owlcat. The best way to describe it would be as a semi-linear sandbox: you can pick what you want to do and when, but there's certain story points and character you'll always run into (though it's up to you how you'll interact with them and progress their content). As for companions/partymembers, we won't force anyone on you - you'll get to pick who you recruit and take into your party (the only exception being Meredith inside the start areas, but that's because she has history with the Captain, and she's there to help players learn about the world and setting - you'll be able to ditch her after the Fort).

If you'd like more info, you can read about choices and consequences here:

ToLLA Devlog #1: Choices & Consequences

There's also an interesting devlog about Captain Hale's retinue here:

ToLLA Devlog#7: Gameplay Mechanics (Captain's Retinue)

I hope I've managed to cover everything. If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask! :)

~Frenzin (Crimson Delight Games)

[Edited for formatting and typos.]

Good day

Thanks for taking the time to answer my inquiries. I appreciate that. :)

"Keep in mind we're a tiny indie team -- and there's limits to what we can do and how much we can branch the game's outcomes, but our aim is to offer a good mix of gameplay options. For example, talking to a depressed soldier in an attempt to help him resolve his war-induced trauma is an example of a "cosmetic" quest that doesn't impact the world, since it only concerns a single individual. "

I'm well aware of the limitations that might come with being a small indie team. It wasn't my intention to suggest any Witcher level of sidequests or lots of branching paths. If it was possible, it would be amazing with this game! But I'm glad there will be some branching and consequences. One of my fears was it being a total linear story without any input on my side about how to play or what to do. but now I know I will be able to do that, so I'm relieved.

The "cosmetic" term I used for choices was about the quest resolution being the same in the end regardless of the option I chose through the dialog.

I'll use the soldier example you gave. Having an impact on him and shaping how he sees me wouldn't be a cosmetic quest as it has an actual impact, if not on the world itself, then on the individual. A cosmetic one is one in which you finish it and when you return to that person, they act as if you have never met before, despite the fact that you may have saved his life.

No impact on the world or the individual related to the quest with different dialog lines that lead to the same outcome no matter how you act or what you choose. That is cosmetic to me.

So if I see things changing, even if a tiny bit, because of my choices and actions, then it's a plus in my book!

The game is meant to have 3 acts. I hope they are long acts because the game looks so good and has so much potential that I would be disappointed and sad if it was only 3 short acts. I want to experience this world for a long while if possible.

I made up my mind about supporting the game! The question now is, are there any advantages or disadvantages if I choose to buy it instead of pledging on patreon? Is there anything I'd get if I pledged that I wouldn't get if I bought the game?

I'm glad the game is so well documented and I liked your answers; they soothed any doubts about many aspects of the game.

best regards,

-Depraved Hedonist