That's really interesting that you say that about what occurs during that particular ending because that's actually how it goes in the original script :o Whenever I make adaptations, I always make sure that the main/true ending in my adaptation is the same as the one from the script that I'm working from, and in this, that's that ending, haha. The only thing I added to that particular ending that wasn't part of the original script was a few lines of additional dialogue prior to that ending monologue. The other endings are my original writing along with the extra choices and branching dialogue + all internal narration :3
Don't quote me on it because my memory is awful x3 but I think one of the lines in the ending version of that monologue is slightly different from the opening version, along with the delivery of the line itself, but I do know what you mean.
My brother actually hates both the twist and the ending of the original script xD Granted, it's not the best, but I still like it personally, haha. When I first told him that I was going to attempt to make 2 games for this jam, 1 entirely original work, and one another Inside No.9 adaptation, he was intrigued to know which episode script I was going to try and adapt. When I told him which one, he just looked at me with this sorta unimpressed scowl and said, “Really? But that's one of the worst ones.” xD Well, actually, he was a little ruder than that, haha. He argued that there were much better episodes I could have chosen, and I totally agree! But I just felt like doing this one and it seemed like a good Halloween-y choice, haha. I'll probably attempt many more in the future though since I'm a huge fan of the show :3
Thanks so much for taking the time to play through it and leave such a thoughtful comment ^-^