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Holy guacamole, this is the GOOD shit!

I wasn't expecting much, truth be told, I was expecting a simple yet fun game with some explosions here and there... but BOY was I wrong!

This game is great!

I love the variety and especially the polish of the whole thing! There isn't a level where you half-assed an idea!

Although the challenge pacing was the weakest part of the game (go to hell, mole widzard), most of the game felt challenging but not frustrating, where most of the mistakes were clearly mine!

Probably my favorite game of this whole jam!


Thank you so much!!! I definitely agree that the pacing is a little rough, the game was not originally going to have Fudge Mountain, but I decided to add it in because of the month extension. So the Clock Tower was meant to be the second level, and squeezing in Fudge Mountain was a little weird difficulty-wise. I'm glad you enjoyed it tho!!