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A member registered Apr 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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sorry for replying super late, but I will 100% add more pages to the leaderboard! I've been pretty busy with school assignments recently, but I think I can add it in hopefully around tomorrow! :)

i'm glad you enjoyed the game!!! :D

also bro you are the craziest gamer i've ever seen... I'm the freakin' dev and I can't even beat your lowest score on the high score list lmao

godspeed golden gamer... godspeed...

yo thanks for playing!!! I've tried to replicate the bug on my end, but I'm actually able focus back in if I click off the screen. It might be an issue with certain browsers, since godot 4 on the web can be pretty buggy, but nevertheless I'll look into it!

I guess the easy solution right now is to play in fullscreen, unless it happens in there too... still, thanks for letting me know about this!





pretty cool game, very simple but fun!! The art is really well done and I like the idea! I do agree that it feels a little mindless though... I was able to get over 200,000 points without much issue by just chillin' on the bottom layer lol

Still, I can see this formula working really well if the game was just a little more chaotic. Maybe some more block types would be cool too, like TNT that clears an entire row and column or something. Still, I ended up playing a bunch of rounds of it and it was pretty fun!! definitely feels like a game I'm gonna come back to

I liked this one!! There was clearly a huge amount of work and effort put into this. I loved the concept and all of the neat details, like the randomized signs and background decals that appear once you hit the detonator. The art was awesome, too! Especially the blocks starting at Anton, the animations on the score, and the cutscenes. I liked some of the risk-reward stuff too, like being able to destroy the detonator for extra time... at a cost. 

This game is actually pretty fun to speedrun as well. The small boost after bashing into a wall is very helpful for extra height, and it was fun to skip small sections by pulling it off. However, there were a few issues I ran into.

  • The level designs felt like a mishmash of ideas. Level 2 had a ton of gimmicks, like the optional antonball segment, conveyor belts, batteries, floating clouds, green and checkerboarded flags... it's a lot! I feel like a lot of this could have been expanded into more levels, rather than crammed into only 2.
  • The passcode system feels a little useless... especially since there are only two levels. I found 5 (and maybe more) passcodes that all lead to level 2, which seems a little extreme. Maybe a level select would have been a little easier, at least for me. Still a cool feature though!
  • The timer always felt a little short. I wish it was just a little longer, but I like the idea of extending it by getting points!

Still a cool game though!! I wish I could've found the bonus level. Is there a code for it hidden somewhere in the game?

I liked this one! It's a fun and difficult arcade-y game, with a unique challenge every level. The music fits very well and I loved the cutscenes between each level, especially the last one lol

Being able to take down (around) one enemy in each level with the pistol was actually a cool way to give players freedom in their challenge. Being able to choose what obstacle they don't wanna deal with and needing the skill to take it out was a good design move.

However, I really wished there was adjustable jump height. I understand if it's intentional to make it more like an old arcade game, but being able to do short hops on the spikes would make the game a lot easier, especially on gamemode B... I couldn't even beat level one lmao

Still, I thought this game was pretty cool!! Fits the classic arcade formula very well and is a pretty original take on the classic mario bros. style

This was one of those games that, as soon as I saw it, I knew I had to play it ASAP... and I loved it!! The amount of microgames you guys were able to put in is insane! I've always wanted to sign Brulo's divorce papers!! Also, I love the art style, especially the main menu!!

The attention to detail is incredible too, especially with all of the references packed into each microgame. I love the little stories for each character too, and how they all connect with each other. The music is awesome too! I'm listening to it rn as I type this lol

My only issue with the game was a lack of a way to get back to the menu without exiting the game entirely. All in all, awesome game!! If you guys ever decide to come back to it, I'd love to see a mode where it's all of the microgames combined into a collection, like the remixes from wario-ware

Thanks!! I couldn't do it for every level, but I incorporated your suggestion into phase 3 of the final level in version 1.0.1!

Now there's flames on the top and bottom of the screen, and you'll get flung back up if you fall down instead of immediately dying. Thanks again for the suggestion!

Thank you so much!!! I definitely agree that the pacing is a little rough, the game was not originally going to have Fudge Mountain, but I decided to add it in because of the month extension. So the Clock Tower was meant to be the second level, and squeezing in Fudge Mountain was a little weird difficulty-wise. I'm glad you enjoyed it tho!!

this was awesome!! Easily one of the most original gameplay ideas in the jam. I loved all of the little details in each of the levels and it just felt really good to play. Anton's voice is incredible too lol

The only issues I had were very minor. The control scheme felt a little weird to me. I'd rather click to sneeze and right-click to stop, but it didn't take too long for me to get used to it. Also, I wished there was an indication of when the exit opened, as I got lost sometimes trying to find it. I thought that maybe having an arrow on the UI pointing to the exit would help.

Other than that I loved this game!! Blastin' everything and rackin' up combos was really fun! Excellent work!

super cool game! I didn't really understand the "mistakes" mechanic, but I loved the design of the characters and the arcade-y feel of the game. Nice work!!

Cool game!! I like the concept and the art style is awesome! There are just a few things I would recommend doing to make the game even better:

  • Having there be a tutorial rather than a quick blurb of text would make the game a little less confusing, however, I like how you tied the mechanics into the story.
  • Wall jumping is possible, and I was able to jump over some invisible walls into the endless void.
  • Pressing E while having the cross plays a sound effect for some reason, despite it not doing anything.
  • Scene transitions would be a cool addition!

Otherwise, I really enjoyed playing this! Looking forward to the full release!

While hangman is a super simple concept, I really like the charm this game has. The voiceover and movements of the cultist guy are fun to watch and I can only imagine how long it took to record every scene. Excellent work!!

Very cool game! I loved the art style, it's unique and definitely stands out. The story was great, too! Overall really nice job!!

Thanks for making this list!! I already tried out Death% and Ages of Extinction, and I'm looking forward to playing some more!

This is the weirdest game I've played this jam... and it's also one of my favorites. It's super polished and it was a really unique take on the topic. The physics is really impressive, especially how fluid pulling asteroids and planets is. The art is really well done too, and making progress feels rewarding. The only thing I think would make this game better is having more landmarks, such as stars in the sky, since getting lost can happen pretty easily.

Fantastic work!!

Probably the most fun game I've played this jam! The feel of the character was really well done. It's crazy how much depth you can add to a single sprite, that isn't even animated. I had a lot of fun beating the "world records" and the choice to live until the end or die at the beginning is really cool. Plus, the sound design was great! Especially when turning into a ghost. This game is really polished, too. Overall, amazing work!!

Great game! Even though I've seen the "use your body as a platform" concept done multiple times already (I did it too lol), this was one of the most solid executions of it! The textures are pretty good, the music was a nice choice, and the levels were well made. I liked how the corpses turned into stone, too. My only criticism would be that I wish more was done with the concept. Things do get pretty interesting with moving blocks, but that's on the last level. Still, I do appreciate how not every level was just building a bridge. Overall, it's a very nice and polished game, good work!!

Awesome idea! It definitely fits the theme, and I haven't seen any other game this jam do something like this before. The art was well done, and the levels were pretty well designed, constantly adding new mechanics. I only wished there were some sound effects or music though, but other than that, great work!

Not a bad game, but it could definitely use some work! I liked the mechanic of getting bigger jumps, but I feel that it takes way too many deaths to actually be able to jump high enough to progress through the level. While slamming my body into a pile of spikes is pretty fun, doing it 10 times immediately as I start the level just so I can make some of the next jumps is a little annoying.

Despite this, the art was pretty good and I liked playing it! Good work!

Great game! The plot was super creative and the stories were enjoyable to play through (especially the last one!) Although, I wasn't a huge fan of the trial and error gameplay. That's probably just me, though, and I probably should have opened up notepad to help me remember what I got right lol. Still, it's something I haven't seen any other game try, and that's really cool!! Also, the walkthrough really helped and I liked how the text in the first one changed depending on what you picked prior. Good work!!

Really nice work! Even though the controls were very slippery for me, the platforming was still fun thanks to the new abilities. The music was great too! One thing I think would help players would be to introduce the controls for the new upgrades when you get them instead of at the start of the game. Despite that, I really liked the characters and the theming. Great job!

Nice game! The announcer was cool and I enjoyed solving all of the chambers. I think a better cover image would help your game get more attention, maybe have it be a screenshot of one of the levels. Still, good work!

Not bad! I like the concept, with the level changing each death. I liked how the text looked and how the level morphed, too. However, I thought that the ball's speed was too slow. Having to roll up a hill for 30-45 seconds to get to the part I keep dying at is a little frustrating. Also, the camera could be improved a little. The 2nd to last jump was hard to navigate because of the far away camera and lack of shadows. Despite that, it's still a pretty solid game! Good work!

This is incredibly well made for only three days!! The art is really well done, the characters were cool and unique, and the minigames were pretty fun to play. I really liked the overworld too, and how it deteriorated as each day went by. Really nice work!!

While it is very short, it's incredibly well done! The dialogue was pretty fun to read, and the characters and levels look really nice! My only tiny bit of criticism would be that levels 7, 8, and 9 all basically play out the same way. Still, great work!

This was a great game! The risk-reward aspect was pretty cool, and it was something I haven't seen in any of the other games I've played -- basically giving players incentive to jump into the mass of bullets in order to get points for upgrades, yet risking taking too much damage and dying. It was a great take on the topic! Also, I really liked the music, and the sound effects and particles were done really well!

My only issue with the game was that opening and closing the shop was a little difficult. I think having an option to bind it to right-click would be a good idea. That way, players wouldn't have to reach over to press V and then B from WASD.

Other than that, really nice job!!

(1 edit)

Nice game!! The procedurally generated levels are pretty cool and well done. I liked the variety of enemies too. Dying to change characters was cool, especially since the two characters are well balanced. The only thing I think would help is increased vertical mobility to help navigate around the stages easier (maybe something like the ropes from Spelunky or some kind of hover move). All in all great work!

Nice game! The idea was really cool - uncovering more of the map with each candle is pretty unique. The graphics look pretty good, too!

Although, one of my biggest problems with the gameplay was the jumping. I know Demindiro already pointed it out, and maybe it was just in the web version, but I was getting really frustrated with the tight platforming. Often I would press jump, and there would be a sound and an animation but no actual movement. Unfortunately, it led to many unfair deaths.

However, I really liked the music and the darkness was well implemented. Good work!

Nice game! The concept was pretty cool, and the choose-your-own-adventure aspect was pretty neat. However, the controls are very slippery. I had a tough time making jumps and I would constantly be stopped by random tiles, causing a little frustration. Despite that, this game had a lot of character and definitely stands out among the crowd. Good job!!

I really liked all of the unique ways the blob could die, although I do agree with what other people are saying in the comments that, unfortunately, I too did jump into spikes expecting the level to end. Wasn't that big of a deal when I realized I had to get crushed by the boulder instead. For a game made in a weekend, it's pretty solid! Good job!

The moment I read "committing insurance fraud as a monkey",  I clicked right away.

The gameplay is unique and I liked the stealth aspect, it's pretty fair and I didn't feel cheated by getting caught. Some textures would have been nice, but hey, time constraints. I gave you a 5 on creativity because I highly doubt I'll see another game with a plot revolving around insurance fraud and monkeys. Good work!

Very nice game! I really liked how you expanded the formula of using your corpse after you die with lasers and wrapping levels and stuff. Plus, the game was very polished. My only criticism is that I think that respawning takes a little too long. Also, the music was a nice choice. All around nice work!

Nice game! It's very simple, but it had a good mechanic. I wished that there were more levels that could have expanded the central gimmick, but hey, a weekend isn't much time lol. Good work!