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(4 edits)

Hey DH! :)

The 25 hours per Act is a rough estimate for all the story content inside the Act once it's finished, across all the maps. That includes the main plot and critical path, all the side-quests, lewd scenes, character encounters, special missions, storybook events, and companion dialogues. Combat and crafting will probably add another 5-10 hours per Act when implemented, but right now we're not counting that since we're focused on generating story content. We have everything outlined in our master design doc, and are now implementing it bit by bit.

Your suggestion to add color-coded choices is already implemented, but we use it to signify specific actions instead of thematic outcomes. What I mean by that is that the game will tell you what kind of specific action you're picking, but not what the outcome of it will be (which is the opposite of what you want, if I'm reading your question correctly). Here's an in-game screenshot to give you a rough idea what I'm talking about, right-click and open in new tab if you want to read the text:

We actually had color-coded outcomes in one of the earlier prototype builds that acted like you suggested, but we took that out because it felt cheap and made the separate choices too game-y. It basically reduces conversations to point-gathering, and that's not what we want since it's against the spirit of role playing and immersion! We want players to actually read the options and think what each of them means and could lead to in the context of a particular conversation. Sometimes this can take you down a path you're not expecting, but that's a plus in our book! :)

On the other hand, we always try to keep everything fair for players during conversation segments; it's not our goal to trick you into doing something you don't want, or to lead you down hidden paths into a bad end that you couldn't see coming. We want players to have fun, so the dialogue options are written to give you plenty of choices and let you pick what you think is best... but you still have to consider and weigh the decisions, and how they can impact the overall outcome.

As for buying/pledging: you can buy ToLLA once on Itch, and get all future updates for free (regardless if you bought only the base game, or the base game + art pack). It's basically like Steam's Early Access; once you have the game, you can download any future updates we put out at no extra charge. Patreon is there if you want to provide monthly donations and get a more hands-on experience and sneak peeks as we build the game release by release. As for the lewd art archive, you can get it in one of two ways: (1) purchase it here on Itch during checkout for the game; (2) get an annual subscription on Patreon at any tier (the lowest one is $3/month, which comes out to about $30 overall after the -15% annual subscription discount is factored in).

Lemme know if you have any other questions! ;)

~ Frenzin (Crimson Delight Games)

[Edited for typos and formatting.]

Hello again,

25h plus 5–10h with combat and crafting seems like a really nice amount of stuff to do in the game. It's the first time I found an actual lewd rpg and I want it to last as long as possible , especially one that looks that good and has so much potential. :)


I believe I wasn't very clear about what I meant. I did not want the choices to give me the outcomes; what I wanted was to somehow let me know what archetype the choice was. For example, I want to roleplay a lecher captain, but with only the choices without a way to know which archetype it represents, sometimes it is hard for me because the meaning is lost as English is not my first language. I didn't want hints, outcomes, or anything like that, and I read everything; why would I want to play an RPG if I just wanted to skip the entire text to get to the lewdies? It makes no sense, and there are easier and faster ways to achieve a quick fap, haha. As much as I enjoy the lewd bits, I enjoy the choices, story, and character development.

So, in my resume, I didn't mean colors for choices as indicators of outcomes or hints, but rather as a way to determine what archtype they represent.

It's not a problem if it can't be added; I'll just work harder to understand the meanings of each option. Another option would be to put the archtype name in front of the choices so it was easier to know. It is not a request, merely an idea, as the game is still in development.


OK, I got the idea, but where and how do I get the updates after I purchase the game? Another question: I saw a post about an SFW version today. If I buy it today, I won't get any lewdies in it? Are there different versions of the game?

Thanks and have a nice day!
