This was such a cool concept and a surprisingly sweet story :3 I mean, I know it says it's a love story fragmented, so I shouldn't be that surprised x3 I guess I just thought it was going to be much more sinister from the general foreboding feeling of the nightmares. Don't get me wrong though, it was a pleasantly sweet surprise :3 The end made me give an audible, aww. I'd like to say exactly why, but I don't want to accidentally spoil anything by making a clumsy comment >.<
Anyways, I was also surprised by how much I enjoyed the nightmare segments of the game! I'm the sort of player who generally dislikes any kind of additional gameplay mechanics in VNs x3 purely because I play VNs to read and relax (usually in bed with a laptop on my belly xD) so extra elements often frustrate and irritate me. They have a habit of also pulling me out of any level of immersion I've achieved. That wasn't the case with the nightmares! If anything, I enjoyed them more than the traditional VN gameplay segments :3 They were really fun to explore and I love all the little details in them with how the scenery sometimes changed depending on the angle of approach and that sort of thing! It was extremely funky and I loved it :D
And yay to voice acting of course!
Awesome job <3