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If you're into it, so am I. Maybe some other people will take interest, also. I am not presently developing anything. Right now I am doing a lot of study and experimenting to learn what I need to get started in that. I am approaching this from the background of a 3D artist. My art needs are licked because I can make anything I want, so now I am learning the programming and how to properly compose a game from end to end. It may still be a good while before I can actually produce something. So, if you're in any sort of hurry, don't put any bets on me, otherwise I look forward to finding ways we can support each other's work. :)

And, your english is a-ok. I wouldn't have guessed it is not your native language.


Yes definitely we need more 'members' and i am not in a hurry, it is already nice to find like-minded people and we will see what will come out of it

So nice that you are approaching it from a 3D background, with the more and more sophisticated game engines out there the programming becomes more easy...but graphic skills stay hard (although AI generated is coming-different topic).

Graphics are my nemeses haha my background is quit the opposite i have been a software developer my whole life and blender and gimp i'm using like an infant ;-)

So if you need any advise in your programming adventure just let me now.


So you're a programmer who's skills are minimal on art, and I'm an artist with inadequate programming knowledge. Hahaha what a cruel world. Maybe someday we'll develop something together? Not today, but I think it's a door worth keeping open.

Haha indeed but it is why game development is the most difficult creation process i think...because there are so many different disciplines you have to have knowledge of....

Joining up with some other motivated creators is surely what i would like, maybe we could create something small as in time (like our personal game-jam) ;-)


I'm willing to do that with you, if it's something small and simple. That might be a lot of fun. But I have to stay focused on my main objective, so I can't make any commitments to anything big right now. I need income and the chance to produce and sell a videogame is the only opportunity I've been able to find. This is not a hobby for me, it's a possibility of freedom. We'll need some way to plan out a project between us that is better than just putting our whole conversation right here in the public forum. Forgive me, but I am uneasy about sharing my email address. Maybe you have a suggestion?

I understand, for me it is the you maybe read in here i quit my job and living now of my savings. I can do this maximum for 6 months and then the well is dried ;-) but i am positive that i can make it as an indie developer...not to become mega rich but at least to live of it. And most of all do something that you really like and create stuff that the whole world might enjoy as well, how cool is that ? 

I dont mind sharing my email with others so here's mine ;-)


Sorry I haven't gotten in touch yet. I'm not ignoring you, it's just that life happens not at all or all at once and right now is an all-at-once moment. You'll hear from me soon. :)

Haha no worries, be glad that life happens!