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I don't know if you really get what I said. I have read the FAQ but no answers can solve my problem. Your answers to my questions are always the same as the answers to others.

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Oh, I get it! Thank you so much!!

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(1 edit)

Sorry to bother you, but I have to type in Chinese due to my terrible English expression.

箭头所指的位置弹出的是“解散魔法傀儡”的对话框,完全让人想不到能触发事件。在触发事件之前,I键菜单显示怀孕0%,触发事件后就突然变100%,这让人感觉与rabbit girl进行sex交流没有怀孕。请问这部分是不是可以让Mofu优化一下呢?

I would be glad if you could understand. Thanks! 

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