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I would not mind having more slaves or taking an alternate route as a slaver.

Eventually, I would like to have both routes open to the player to choose from ^^

(3 edits) (+1)

Some other games have a  weird way of just letting you choose certain characters to be a slave or not. Could you let the MC have a thought process at a certain point were they would choose slave route or the free route? That could make things easier story wise instead of having to work with individual character arcs that deal with that route along with the conversations between other/side characters.  It would probably make it easier for you as well especially if there are bugs with the coding .  Also... will there be any trap characters that could be optional as either a friend or love interest? Is pregnancy and birth of children going to affect the story near the beginning or is that an end game thing? Is it going as far as just furry or are you going one level above that with speaking feral females?

Some good questions! To answer them:
-At the moment, the current Vera story is the "love route". In the future, I'd like to give the player to choose the "slave route" or "love route" within her first few events,  but that will likely come later in updates.
-Trap/Reverse trap characters are something I'd like to implement, possibly with a gender bender option
-Pregnancy will be a "side activity". You'll have to get pretty close to the character to knock them up, but it won't be just at the end of their story. I hope to flesh out a pregnancy/having children system, but not make it required either.
-I plan to have furry characters, as for feral furries/beast women; I'll probably put one or two in, no promises that they'll be major story characters though.