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"kinetic" - that would make it a story, not a game


Just go and play your regular cuck fantasy avns buddy,If you can't appreciate a great avn,here less shit than one you think as top avn,stories are linear doesn't mean they are bad,it's just you don't have to keep with others shit and make stupid choices which doesn't makes sense,go and play avns where you have to select one less fucked bitch out of whores,don't play a harem avn they are not for you.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

i would get you a towel for all that raging drool, bu im not that much of a gentleman. 

just because you dont know what "chad" or "cuck" mean, doesnt make you less of a whiney little cuck bitch, fake-chad.

Deleted 1 year ago


Who said anything about cuckolding?  Where did scrounge up that colossal dog pile from?

And a kinetic novel is just that.  A story.  No choices.  Get a clue.