Yeah scrolling text is a thing I abuse when I’m running short on deadlines, and this game did screech across the finish line without much wiggle room. If I expand it, I’ll probably go with cutscenes, or at least with a faster scroll speed, note that you can advance it faster with the confirm button, etc.
And yeah, the game is (modified) stock assets with a fair amount of custom code (the plugins are all my own creations–it’s my version of “art” I guess.)
Overwhelming complexity is an ongoing jam problem for me apparently. I hate simplistic rpg battles, so I try to jazz them up and usually end up making something a bit heavy for more casual players and/or those not overly comfortable with rpg mechanics especially. I need to work on that, although its hard when you also want to keep the game short. I’d hoped The slime battles and player tutorials would ease people into that complexity. Hopefully it helped, anyway.
When the limit gauge hits 100, the limit command replaces the normal attack, but the normal attack skill is present in the limit menu just in case the player wants to use it instead of the limit break skill. Normal attack has no cost to it, so they can continue to use it without wasting their limit skill if they choose.
Finally, I did try to start simple (the slime battles are a lot easier than wave sets 2 and especially 3) but I guess I could’ve started the players with stripped-down skilsets, then added those skills by wave set 3. Progression in jam games is hard given the fact that I wanted it to be short.
Anyway thanks for giving it a try. :) The later versions are a lot better and a lot less broken than the initial version, so feel free to give the newer one a try if you want. :)