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I think, this place is probably the best place to address some small things I noticed about this update.

First off, this is a great addition. Very funny with some nice flirty bits I absolutely adored. No doubt one of my favorite chapter if not the favorite chapter.

But I did notice two strange things I wanted to address.

First off Maddie, lovable little ball of anger she is, wants his Numbuh, while overlooking that it is imprinted on the torso of his gear? It is strange, as she did bind him and even if not, they did run into each other after he was freed. Is there some disparity between the art and the story? Or am I missing something? I was curious how that worked out. While Maddie isn't the smartest cookie, she ain't stupid either and Betsy no doubt should have easily concluded his Numbuh.

Secondly, the lovely little last two lewd pictures. Loving them, albeit the sausage party one left some questions open. There is a scene where Betsy separates from Maddie to do some sexting with our hero so to say, albeit she only does send a lewd image if Maddie isn't playing around with the sausage weapon. The scene of Betsy separating from Maddie is the same, no matter which weapon is chosen, despite Betsy seemingly staying with Maddie when she has the sausage weapon.

Maybe there is a separate scene that isn't triggered about Betsy staying with Maddie when she has the sausage weapon, because she can't leave her handling that and then after the sausage party mess, she isn't able to text our hero as she has to take a long bath (albeit this leaves the question open if she will text him later. Will she still send a lewd pic then or has she cooled off enough to not do that?)

Basically just saying here that another bit of writing would be neat if it isn't in already of Betsy staying with Maddie when she has the weapon (in case it isn't in already and is just not being triggered). Otherwise this might be a bit of a plot hole. A small bit of text with a switch is easy enough to do as it would be something very minor.

Or at least it was something I just wanted to address. Like I said, those aren't some big issues and I did very much love it...albeit I regret not watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, because getting the references would have made the chapter better. xD


Yo! So, about Maddie and the “Numbuh”. Yeah, she already knows Anon’s Numbuh is 62 (her and Betsy both heard 404 say “Numbuh 62” in the hall), but she’s just trying to get him to volunteer info to see how much he’ll reveal.

As for the second thing, yeeeeah. Me and Irrelevant were talking earlier this week about that and some other stuff we want to do in the upcoming patch.

Glad you enjoyed the episode!

Thanks for clearing that up with the Numbuh. The dialogue didn't make it seem like they knew it. I did assume they didn't hear the Numbuh part with Annie, because they were trying to find out his Numbuh. Especially with the Phone Numbuh joke. Maybe there should be a line that Betsy says to calm her down. Like the phone thing isn't a big deal as they already knew his Numbuh. Or at least I think such a line would help make things more clear. ^^

Also, glad you guys address the second bit. Feels important to have a small addition here, so the last part of the game makes more sense when you have used the sausage gun. ^^