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A member registered Apr 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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I don't mind listening to other people's takes on my story. ^^ It is an open game, so if you really want to make some dialogue changes you are welcome to make your own version of the game.

Hello there. Can you elaborate further on what animations are not shown? If you are talking about the Elecmon scene, then I have to admit that I only thought about making the animated swapping pics back and forth kinda thing later, so it is not available for it sadly.

On mobile, it seemingly happens that it looks like this. There is no mobile version as of now after all. Joiplay seemingly helps with those issues I have heard. A mobile version is something I will look into after the game is complete, but that will still take a while.

It is a character flaw for character development, so that is how it is. ^^ Most people are fine with it as there are barely any people mentioning it. Either way, I hope you will enjoy the playthrough regardless.

Massive asshole for calling Gomamon a girl? That seems a bit extreme for something as small as that. Yes, Gomamon is irritated by it, but not completely crestfallen or anything like that. Considering you can rape Gomamon, I would say calling him a girl can count as some simple teasing. xD

Though I do hope you will like how it plays out and how the characters develop. Worst case scenario, my writing sadly doesn't work out for you, but it would be hard to please everyone.

It is a part of the story. The human being sexually interested in Gomamon and justifying it by calling Gomamon a girl.

Obviously he will grow as a person on the Secret Lover Slut Route with three hidden scenes. It is a part of his character development, so it needs to be in there. ^^ Maybe it isn't suiting your taste, though maybe you might also like how it plays out the more you play. I hope you will enjoy the game either way.

Glad to hear you managed to get it. ^^ Was worried for a moment that there was a bug.

There is a tutorial. Just avoid going to the first level and select the tutorial instead. It is simple and won't take long. ^^

I have been following this game for a while and it has tried out a whole array of different builds with different gameplays, making me wonder if the developers have trouble nailing down what exactly they want to do.

Sadly, despite buying it for $ 9.99 with some additional tax making it come up to almost $ 12, I do not think it is yet worth the price. It is some nice progress to be sure, but the Game Over sequence with one of the girls getting in is rather simple and quick. I hope that is something that will be worked on as it is one of the most exciting parts after all.

The gameplay, while interesting, seems like it could become repetitive really fast with constantly dragging girls and customers into beds and then pushing a button for cleaning. I am unsure how the developers could touch up on that.

Either way, I am critical about the price increase to $ 14.99. The developers should work more on the game first before really raising it. Beat Banger is $ 9.99 and seems to be more fairly priced in comparison.

No offense, but this game is still rough and I hope future updates will polish it up into a gem that is worth the price I paid for it.

Dammit. Getting more and more interested! xD I hope there will be a sale soon. Would be neat to get it for a little cheaper, though the way it looks it might be well worth the asking price.

Can you elaborate more? Did you put the nurse outfit on? Then you should be able to play the Fun scene which should make the lock go away. Albeit there are no images yet for it, so clicking on it would lead you nowhere.

No problem. =3

You need a high Love Bar and have the Nurse Outfit unlocked. Unlockable via Naughty Talk. ^^

Fair. One would want to carry someone as cute as our Goma after all. =3

(1 edit)

Looking at the images of the routes you can take reminds me how impressive of a feature that is. It shows the player where missing content can be found. Too bad even then I cannot unlock it. xD

Maybe one day there will be a walkthrough. Definitely would be nice. =3

Heh. ^^ I will take that as a compliment. Sounds like the story was really immersive and enjoyable for you to feel that strongly for our favorite Goma! =3

That is in Explore. You got the Carry option and the other one that is the Footjob (Human). 1st Arc, so it is quite close to the start. Before the Elecmon scene. ^^

Don't worry about it. I am happy to help. ^^

Don't worry. ^^ Anyway, if you mean the black window with "Footjob (Goma)", then there is sadly no art for it yet. Actually, right now it is being worked on and my Subscribers can admire the sketches. But either way, plenty of art is still missing. Black images in the Gallery mean that the scene is not illustrated yet. ^^

The first game I ever did was Palmon Trainer. Or, well, less "did" and more tried to do. But the scope proved too big, so I put it on the back burner and made Gomamon Trainer instead. I do want to get back to it in the future. But that is a far away future right now. It would be different from Gomamon Trainer, but a visual novel all the same. Closer to Four Elements Trainer as that game had inspired me to make a Palmon Trainer. Only that I wanted to use bars and stats as you can see in the image below. ^^

Ah, the Elecmon? I made it so you can skip the scene if you try to save him. Not stop it from happening. You can fight the Digimon that follow after Elecmon.

Nothing story wise or anything much really. Art and maybe some Credits as well as Ending Screens is roughly what needs to be done. No big changes or additions. ^^

You know, right the next comment below yours has this question answered. xD I will simply copy and paste it. Enjoy the scenes, albeit of course only one of those three is illustrated right now. ^^


And here a short explanation I copied in from when I explained the Secret Lover Slut Ending to someone else: "You need the three special scenes. Bodyjob first with Clawjob cumming outside twice and Blowjob cumming outside once. Second and third scene will require other things, like to always have saved him or tried to save him from Digimon. Not to mention a large blue good bar. The third scene requires you to not go through the third Firewall after having found it. If all other requirements are met the third scene triggers and after having all three you will get the ending you want. ^^"

What help do you need? Is there something not clear with the explanation?

The Ending? The scenes? I will just copy and paste the explanation that It old others. Easier for me that way. ^^


Secret Slave Slut Ending is very easy to achieve. Basically full "Evil" gauge and you get a choice after Digitamamon struggle-snuggled Gomamon. Huh, thought unlocking the punk outfit was also needed, but seemingly not as I just checked. So, that makes it even easier. I mean, the other one is a lot harder in comparison.

And here a short explanation I copied in from when I explained the Secret Lover Slut Ending to someone else: "You need the three special scenes. Bodyjob first with Clawjob cumming outside twice and Blowjob cumming outside once. Second and third scene will require other things, like to always have saved him or tried to save him from Digimon. Not to mention a large blue good bar. The third scene requires you to not go through the third Firewall after having found it. If all other requirements are met the third scene triggers and after having all three you will get the ending you want. ^^"

Right. My head has been full with some planning for other game projects. I definitely have to get to that on Sunday. xD

Sorry for the late reply. That is a strange bug and it honestly seems like it could be more related to your laptop than the game itself as no one else has been reporting this issue yet. The images don't clue me in on any issue either. Can you play it in the browser? Would that solve the issue?

Can you recreate the error? If yes, how? And if possible a screenshot would help, so I can look into it.

Only if someone wants to translate it. I put a lot of money in it and I am not sure I want to hire a translator for more, when the art is more important and I might not have many people that need a translation in the first place.

"Naughty Talk" has the switch needed where they talk about outfits. ^^

Definitely. It looks like "at up" is missing in the code. Thanks to your screenshot I can look up where the text is at where that pic is shown. So thank you for the help! =D

I gotcha. Someone else already reported it. Probably will have to reupload the files this weekend. This is definitely too irritating to leave alone for long.

Things should work. I only added things, so it is hard for me to tell what you mean. What scene is it? The Elecmon scene? That one actually doesn't have movement. It was the first scene I commissioned in case it is that scene. I hadn't really thought it out back then.

I probably should have made another blog post after that long time in between builds. But next one won't be that long off. ^^ Either way, thank you. If there is a long break between builds again, I will be sure to address it properly.

It does get unlocked first, or more easily. Maybe I could have designed that better among other things. Either way, chit-chat some more to unlock Explore for story progress and then you can go for Bonding. ^^

...Dammit. No idea where that one vanished off to. Maybe I got the naming wrong and it floats somewhere in the folder? Thanks for telling me anyway. ^^

Thanks. ^^ I am glad to hear it.

That does look neat, albeit 5 Euros for a piece of code is much. I mean, one can get some good games for 10 Euros.

(2 edits)

The artists are doing a great job. I don't think their work should be described with the term "simplistic design".

Either way, I am commissioning a lot of pics per scene. And I mean a lot. 10 pics a scene? Not even close. 20, 30, 40. It can range widely, but always goes quite up, because I like the scenes to be really elaborate. The Clawfootjob in Explore will be 26 pictures for example. I am asking a lot from the artists, so that the game can deliver the best experience possible to the player, hence why it does take longer when I commission images.

Then you also have to take into account that the artists do not only draw for me exclusively. They have their own passions and projects they want to get to, so breaks between commissions that can be one month or more are not that rare as well.

Lastly, because the commissions are so elaborate, there is a chance of corrections being made. I have to review the images and see if everything is there that is needed as I implement them. Worst case scenario, I forget something important and there needs to be something else drawn as well which takes up additional time. Not something that happens too often, but the Slitrape one that is in the works right now? It sadly is one such case that needs a few more layers.

The artists are doing an incredible job in short and there is a lot I ask of them, so that my vision for the game can become a reality. I understand the frustration, but the game is being worked on and the game will be completed, even if the pace has been more slow lately.

So I have to ask for patience. The next update will be fruitful to make up for the long wait.

Wouldn't that be a dream come true? In all honesty, you gotta hate big corporations that strike down fans for fangames. Then again, the licensing laws corporations made are at fault for this. Without them Spyro would be able to be used by everyone.