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(1 edit) (+1)

Two thumbs up from someone with no acquaintance with the source material.  Just excellent work all around on the script, the sound, the characters, the graphics, the humor ("Pancreas?" "Pancreas." was just one of many smiles in this game) - all flowing together smoothly in a way I don't often see.  Also appreciating the consistency in 404's text; characters like this are fun when done right but the writing often stumbles on the details, and you've got both quality and commitment to the bit *down*. =)

The only issue I've noticed is empty frames with unrelated character portraits sometimes appearing in chat - for example, in a conversation between 202 and 62, 202 saying something, then a frame with 78's character portrait and no text, then 62's reply to 202.  Would happen for extended stretches within a conversation when it did, for me.  Haven't been able to reproduce it after loading saves or starting episodes over, so possibly just happens on the first pass?


Firstly, glad you’re enjoying the game!

Secondly, yeeeeah… that portrait thing is just a weird thing that renpy does sometimes.