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A member registered May 12, 2019

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Actually, looks like the update errored out when I tried to install it, so I was on 1.4.7.  Updated successfully this time, and both the restoration and the soundtrack seem to be working fine now. =)

Doing the 1.5.1 run in English, and the translation is mostly okay but definitely slips up in places, sometimes in surprisingly basic ways - like the MC saying "We didn't socialize much..." on the Introvert option when describing the Carsteins to Victoria.  That one in particular looks like a machine translation artifact - incorrectly inferring pronouns that are omitted in the Russian text.

The most apparent ones are the navigation buttons ("In the courtyard" instead of "To the courtyard", "Preview" instead of "Previous"), but there are also less obvious errors sprinkled through the text: "the Carstein" (or even "Carstair", with Rose) instead of "the Carsteins" when asking around about the family, "house elves found the letter again" when finding the second letter ("the letter" makes it a reference to the same letter as they found the first time, "a letter" would mean another letter as intended), etc.

Looking really nice otherwise - I hope the fetch quest and minigame aspects get more variety later, but the art and sound work is already quite solid.

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Building restoration is dangerous business and breaks reality. =)

Also, I hope you're planning to touch up the soundtrack - the background music you've got already is pretty nice, but the cutoff where it loops is quite jarring.

I really hope the character reference handling improves from "Oh, hi, Mom (Abby). I didn't hear you come in."  The game's pretty impressive otherwise so far, but every time those parentheses show up in a sentence is like nails on a chalkboard.  They look out of place at the top of the dialogue box too, but it's particularly egregious in character speech.

Cute. =)  I had my doubts about trying it, tired of the cookie cutter RPGs people churn out with RPG maker to the point where I just skip games with the tag, but I like what you did with it here and the overall style and feel.

Got ending A so far on two passes, might try for more later but that's a lot of prompts to repeatedly wade through just to get to a couple of interactive segments.  No idea how feasible either one would be, but either a way to save or to fast-forward would be a nice addition.

Does the closet Oro do anything besides getting a response?

Got the Cynthia-as-lead scene just now, but it didn't unlock in the image gallery.

Yup, 1.1 doesn't install through the app as either an update to 1.01 or by itself.

Nice work. =)  Quite fun to explore, written better than most of the games I've found around here, and clearly laid out with thought put into not making the backtracking too frustrating.  The parodies and references feel somewhat shoehorned in, though; the parts I liked best, and that drew me in enough to finish the whole thing, were all your own.  I'll be looking out for anything else you make.

Errors spotted, after I started keeping track:

"vigorous mandling" in Goul's scene

"slick labia, which is stretched" -> "are stretched" in Hellga's

"threat her infernal internals poses" -> "pose" in the Tunnel Snake scene

"sweet the sanctified cloth across her nose" in the less friendly version

"canus" all over the place, unless that's an intentional variation on "canis"

Tenses wandering a bit in the greenhouse intro and some other places.

"lionine" -> "leonine" in the Plains. Also, "bear in a knothole" is kind of confusing both for that character to be using and in general. Never seen that expression before, not sure what the intended image is here.

"The demonic priestess stumbled once before slumping to the floor, where she lay motionless." -> "stumbles" and "lies" to fit with the present tense in the rest of the scene

Post-vision, "compliment one another" -> "complement"

Epilogue: "regail" -> "regale"

Doesn't look like that's fixed - she remains locked even if I have 1000 coins pocketed.

Hitting Level Up buys a level for her and reveals the image, but she stays unselectable.

If I toggle the hide/show text box, clicking with the mouse or pressing enter will no longer advance the text.

Clicking outside the textbox and then back in it when this happens seems to let me progress pretty consistently.  Still should be fixed, but at least there's a workaround for now.

Not sure if it's a bug, but it looks like a sex scene sprite flashes very briefly and fades out when a scene is initiated.

A little rough bug-wise, but I'm enjoying both the overall gameplay and the writing. Definitely going into my favorites. =)

Didn't run into any more bugs in the shop this time. =)  Found one after interacting with Gareth, though:

You shake your head, breathless and panting. You slide off his lap onto unsteady feet, and straighten your clothes, covering yourself.Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: boughtreddress is not defined

You leave the pub, hyperaware of the eyes on you.

Also, Gareth's prompt goes a bit haywire if you paid him for all three directions:

Gareth smiles at your approach, looking smug. "I knew you couldn't stay away. To get your information, all you have to do is sit on my lap and give me a kiss. Such a small thing, for such valuable information.
Do It[1]

Gareth leers at your approach. "Ah, my favorite prudish princess! You never did complete my tasks. Want to have a bit of fun now? I’m sure the other patrons will enjoy the show. Although not as much as you will.

Your experience is too low. Maybe Rorik will help you out.

I don' t suppose there's some kind of a rollback mechanic that I'm missing? I was able to at least continue past several of the errors I've come across (mostly in the shop, seems like), but this one appears to be a dead end, with no action hyperlinks showing up after the text:

You slap the man's hand away and continue the session as normal. Or try to. The man is persistent adn so are his friends. Their behavior disrupts the flow of the presentation and irritates both you and the shopkeeper. Despite your best efforts to handle the situation gracefully, you leave the shop feeling frustrated and disheartened by the disruptive encounter.Error: macro <<Set>> does not exist You made 25g.

Error: cannot find a closing tag for macro <<link>> </link>>

Rather promising - I really like the art. =)  A few notes:

  • It would be nice to have the map view change with the time of day; it's a little jarring to go from town at night -> sunny overland view -> home at night
  •'s been a few days and I already forgot all the names, but when you meet <village girl> back at your house, the textbox header is showing <sister's name> for her lines.  Also, it's possible I missed some leading bit of text somewhere, but I thought she was inviting me to her house after I'd do the shopping, so I spent a while trying to find it before stumbling across her back home.
  • The quest tab seems to have very little correlation to what's happening in the game - not updating when I fulfill the objective, that sort of thing. I'm assuming this'll get tuned later.
  • The writing is the weakest point of the game by far right now, and I hope you'll do more work there, because the setting and your goals for it really need a solid backbone of story to hang all the pretty pictures and mechanics onto.  Right now, you've got pieces that are weird and explained inadequately or not at all (four years to get home, random breast milk merchant), the MC is a legendary warrior that just about nobody knows (yes, the game mentions that the town's population has almost entirely changed in his absence; see "weird and inadequately explained" above), he is apparently dumb as a brick (MC: "The blacksmith didn't want to hire me =("  Friend: "Did you tell him that you used to smith before the war?" MC: "...oh, you think I should?"), and the dialogue often just reads like two teens texting each other.
  • This probably falls under the writing point as well, but the flashing scenes feel kind of awkwardly wedged in.  I ain't opposed, but the two current data points of "it's time to introduce a new female character, here's what her tits look like before we have so much as a word from her" are already suggesting a thoroughly silly trend.  If that's Your Thing, so be it, but something like that would be more enjoyable with a bit of buildup.

It is a pretty impressive start, though, despite all the rough bits. Looking forward to seeing where it goes from here.

...the third preview image suggests some very unfortunate things about her spine and has a knee in place of an ankle.  Ahh, AI art. =)

Hm. Actually, just checked, and it looks like I'm only getting the taskbar placeholder on the computer with Win11Pro; the one with Win10Pro shows a ?catgirl head? - hard to tell at that size.

Saw that this got updated, had to try it again.  Got all the way through this time! \0/  Found a few minor bugs, but nothing game-breaking:

  • The invisible wall to the right of the toilet doesn't go all the way up, so it forms a sort of pocket that you can walk into along the top wall. Can walk back out the same way, but it's a little confusing at first.
  • I was able to interact with the sewing machine and the safe after I was already done with them, and got the previous dialogue.
  • I was able to walk through the coffee table, and the Z-levels got a little weird:

Really enjoyed seeing everything this time. =)  Though I do have a few suggestions:

  • I didn't make the connection the game expected about the bookcase infestation, and ended up looking it up online.  If there isn't already a hint about it in the usual place (that just didn't come up for me for some reason), one wouldn't go amiss.  Unrelatedly, thumbs up for the sound effects in that scene.
  • I was pretty happy to see that you put in actual book titles and wanted to see what sort of reading material this vampire lair has, but I read very quickly and I still wasn't able to read a couple of them in full before the prompts went away.  Might want to slow that down some.
  • Seems odd that a game with such a distinct style just shows up as the plain white placeholder icon on the Windows taskbar. Doesn't take away from it, exactly, but it's a chance to show it off some more.
  • Mostly just a stylistic choice, but after seeing the credits I hung around for a while on the "The End" screen to see if there was anything after that, too.  Going back to the menu screen seems to be the usual convention to indicate "yup, we're done here", and that external cabin view might be a nice way to tie it back to where we first see a glimpse of what to expect from this game.

Thank you for the game, and for coming back to polish it.  Looking forward to anything else you might do. =)

Off the top of my head, the two main spots are the left side of the closet door in the bedroom and just to the right of the stove in the kitchen.  The main way to get stuck seems to be standing within a couple of steps from them and using items - once the item dialogue finishes, I can't move from the spot, Escape doesn't work, etc.

Not sure if the thing with the save is a separate issue - I'm pretty sure I didn't save after getting stuck in the kitchen, but when I load that save it's in the stuck state.

Really liking the art, humor and just the overall aesthetic of the game.  Could use a bug pass, though; my main save just got hosed with one of the spots where your characters get stuck and you can't do anything but quit.

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Two thumbs up from someone with no acquaintance with the source material.  Just excellent work all around on the script, the sound, the characters, the graphics, the humor ("Pancreas?" "Pancreas." was just one of many smiles in this game) - all flowing together smoothly in a way I don't often see.  Also appreciating the consistency in 404's text; characters like this are fun when done right but the writing often stumbles on the details, and you've got both quality and commitment to the bit *down*. =)

The only issue I've noticed is empty frames with unrelated character portraits sometimes appearing in chat - for example, in a conversation between 202 and 62, 202 saying something, then a frame with 78's character portrait and no text, then 62's reply to 202.  Would happen for extended stretches within a conversation when it did, for me.  Haven't been able to reproduce it after loading saves or starting episodes over, so possibly just happens on the first pass?