Actually, looks like the update errored out when I tried to install it, so I was on 1.4.7. Updated successfully this time, and both the restoration and the soundtrack seem to be working fine now. =)
Doing the 1.5.1 run in English, and the translation is mostly okay but definitely slips up in places, sometimes in surprisingly basic ways - like the MC saying "We didn't socialize much..." on the Introvert option when describing the Carsteins to Victoria. That one in particular looks like a machine translation artifact - incorrectly inferring pronouns that are omitted in the Russian text.
The most apparent ones are the navigation buttons ("In the courtyard" instead of "To the courtyard", "Preview" instead of "Previous"), but there are also less obvious errors sprinkled through the text: "the Carstein" (or even "Carstair", with Rose) instead of "the Carsteins" when asking around about the family, "house elves found the letter again" when finding the second letter ("the letter" makes it a reference to the same letter as they found the first time, "a letter" would mean another letter as intended), etc.
Looking really nice otherwise - I hope the fetch quest and minigame aspects get more variety later, but the art and sound work is already quite solid.