Aww x3 I feel honoured to be anyone's favourite dev on itch <3 gives me the super fuzzies ^-^ Glad you decided to check this one out too cos it's probably the one I'm most proud of still :3 It's harder to choose now I've released another couple for Spooktober Jam this year, haha. But I reckon Limbo probably still takes the top spot just cos of all the extra bits and bobs I was able to put in there!
And I'm really glad you enjoyed it so much :3 Here's to hoping some folks might read what you wrote and decide to check it out too cos it's still one of my least downloaded projects T_T A few more downloads trickled in after LPB made the awesome anniversary art for the game that she put up on Twitter and I retweeted it recently :3 But I kinda wish I could grab everyone who has played any of my other games and just go, come here, play this one xD
Hehe, tis quite the rabbit hole that side quest :P
Thanks so much for your kind words <3