Thanks for the feedback!
Horizontal spinner is definitely on the list of things to do. We originally had one, but had to remove it due to licensing concerns.
Licensing is complicated. All of the roboteers we have spoken to would love to have their robots in the game, but in many cases the display rights are held by third parties who tend to be very guarded about granting the rights to other parties. Licensing is something we are looking into, but we can't make any promises without signed agreements.
We have played around a fair amount with cameras, and your point is well taken. I initially pulled the over-the-shoulder and first-person cameras because the robots jumped around so much when they got hit. It was a lot like sticking a camera on a real robot. I got sick watching it. The over-the-shoulder camera had similar issues, plus all of the technical challenges of making sure the line of sight between the camera and the robot wasn't obscured, as well as the fact that the robots respond extremely quickly, resulting in the camera swinging wildly around the arena. In the end, I found that it was much easier to control the robots with traditional cameras mounted to world space, rather than cameras that were operating in the reference frame of the robot.