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I played up to scene where you are kidnapped in this game and immediately uninstalled. The description of the game of getting to choose who you get to be a hero or a villain, plus the choice of how you approach relationships with mind control powers really interested me.

However, the story keeps seeming to hammer in this idea of me being the hero, with concern about my family, the fairy and others. Making it very hard to just focus on being a villain.

That isn't to mention it seems like a majority of the game takes place after this scene, because I wanted to explore meet characters, build relationships, do all the things the game advertised I could do, but I had to wait for other events to trigger.  It genuinely frustrated me, because all I wanted to do was play the game, but I kept having control and choices taken away with me.

Yes I understand that primarily, this is a visual novel, with RPG elements, but if your main selling point are how you get to make a choice and I don't get to make choices, it takes me out of the game.


The story is fantastic and it shouldnt be nearly as polished as it is, considering there's only 1 dev. But if you are just going to look down your nose at this game, then you'll be the one missing out.

I appreciate the sentiment, truly, and I'm glad you like the game! :) But it's not for everyone, and that's okay. I'm grateful if people try it, even if they don't like it, and constructive negative criticism is always useful - even if it's only to reaffirm the direction you've chosen to take.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience with the game, but thank you for the feedback. All criticism, positive or negative, is useful - if only to see how different people perceive the same systems and characters. All of it helps me to refine my work!

That being said, I feel like a couple of points need to be cleared up, just for anyone else who may be reading and hasn't played yet:

1.  The game never promises Hero/Villain routes. The description says that " you are the hero - or possibly villain - of this tale", which is talking about characters' (and even players') perception of your actions. After all, you're doing "the right thing" from your perspective, but in the process you're using mind control, framing people and actively working against people with different moral beliefs than yours. Are you a hero? Or are you just a villain with good motivations?

2.  This is a heavily story- and character-based game. If you except, or desire, everything and everyone to be available to you from the very start then I'm afraid this certainly isn't the game for you. A side-effect of being heavily story-focused is that certain characters and events cannot happen simultaneously or in a "whatever" order or else the entire structure falls apart.

As a solo dev, I have to be incredibly careful with my time and so too many mechanics and too many choices are simply impossible, unless I want to be still working on CK ten years from now, and to have each update have half the content it currently does for each player (not many people want to play both a good and evil route).

I hope that clarifies things for people who are unsure about what this game is, and what it offers! To those who enjoy the game, and support it - either financially or simply through the incredibly touching messages you send me - I thank you from the bottom of my heart! And to those that don't, well, thank you for giving it a try! Fortunately the indie adult game market has never been stronger and there are so many gifted developers out there much more proficient than I am, so I'm sure you'll find your dream game out there somewhere.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go see how Veronica looks in a maid's outfit...

(1 edit) (+1)

Just so you know me and my friend are still and will forever be hooked I started the game over just to enjoy it again I Don't care what anyone says ck is awesome and if someone doesn't like it then how about they just make their own damn game 😑 keep it up because us real fans are rooting for you 😎

Hey thank you, that means a lot! I'm really happy to hear that you and your friends are enjoying the game :)

It's fine if some people don't like CK, though. Whilst I'd love to make a game that everyone could enjoy, sadly that just isn't possible. I'm just glad that some people do like it!


you can't please everyone 🤷 but because of you I've never looked forward to Monday so much in my entire life 🤣