Howdy! Here to report a few helpful things~
Though, reading at the comments here, admitedly it's similar to what myuninny was already saying. First, that the [player] input doesn't always work. I thought it was me that pressed the wrong thing, but later Grey addressed me in my chosen name. Meaning all previous times, the [PLAYER] tag appearance has to be a problem with the code.
Second: Same as myuhinny, I also found it strage that when the text says a character dropped their mask, the sprite doesn't change. This happened speaking to Grey too. Like with wereworlf girl (Greer? Oh yes, of course I know she's a wereperson. Not my first rodeo~), his sprite remains the same during most of the conversation, with the mask on, but it then happens even after being described as beautiful. It does eventually come off and sprites variations come up, but it feels a bit off.
Also, I don't know if an actual thing or I'm too dumb but, after I pressed the log button, I couldn't find the way to close that window. (The html version)
Lastly, "I have a map of the castle and can tell you exactly why their finest treasure is." I think the "why" is a typo? It should be "where", right?
But enough with the picky commentary. I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed and dig how charming this game is. I especially love the character designs in this. I had a hard time chosing a favorite, and that's saying something.
Even though every character is surprisingly nice and the prologue devoid of any upfront conflict (I seem to have chosen all the right choices, nice~), the story left me with a lot of anxious tense feelings. Maybe because I can see where this is going and how every route seems like it's going towards incompatible paths (or maybe I shouldn't have said yes to the pirate? lol)
Speaking off. "Scourge of the Camarilla"--Waaait, a masquerade... I already can see the influence of Vampire the Masquerade in this lol. Some of the plot was easy to figure out. Werewolf girl is obviously werewolf girl.
Plotwise, if I am to give feedback, it would be that the game has a bit too much text. It's a pity this is just the prologue demo and I was thinking, if you could keep things more to the point, then you get more time to fleshen out the characters and events for the actual plot.
The MC does come off a bit dumb, but this could be a problem with overexposure. Again, less text could make things better.
It also reads as too convenient to me that the MC just happens to be a star enthusiast out of the blue. Maybe that should come up in the text earlier on.
And lastly... Greer's talk is too hard to figure out XD To be brutally honest, it made me want to not talk to her any more.
Kudos for the game! And sorry for the long rambly post. Looking fowards to the finished thing!