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You want a built-in music player or the ability to add a background music to the launcher?

If it is the latter you can already to that, there are example themes that have their own music files included with the download.

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Thanks for getting back to me! 

Ability to play music from a folder randomly in background when I start Ninty is actually what i want to do to be exact...  How could this work?

Unfortunately this is not a feature, it is only possible to have a specific song playing every time you open the launcher, as part of the themes feature I mentioned.

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NINTY 2 Integrated "Over the Game" Music player feature perhaps ? maybe?   I'm just trying to relive the OG XBOX days in my 30s I guess tho haha I could dreamcast to tho right?  do you see where I'm going with this on the theme kinda thing here?  AAAAhhh well what do I know right, I'm just a Playstation kid with a love of XBOX and Nintendo, I guess I'm just a Gameboy color me Advance...?

At this moment I can’t really tell if an “over the game” music player would work reliably on all platforms, but I’ll see what I can do.

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Applauds Loudly from three gamers in room!

im on windows 10