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A member registered Dec 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Use either mod but not both!

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Simple TurboMode For when you want to stay closer to the natural doom but still wanna go faster!  

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Just load TurboMode.wad after any base IWAD .

Ok thanks , I didn't try that !

Same I just kept walking around and pressing E and eventually gave up .  Am I doing something wrong?  I started the game from GZDOOM.EXE.

I hear ya there I have been finding limitations with stuff I am playing around with too, Mostly Slade3 and asesprite for me.  Good luck on the next thing and be sure to let me know and I will give it a try!   

I played the game is there a set number of levels?  I was never caught but I think I finished around 10+ levels.   I pushed Escape to pause then I realized that just exits the game.  A nice touch with the guy "No!  gun shoots... "  There should then be a shift in the way the game works somehow IMO.  like switch it up from collectithon to find the switch or somethin'  ...  

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Now replacing most enemies on the standard list.  

Also Touched up sound fx to shrink the size of game a bit...  

Used this gun , but modified for my game wad...  

Their Stolen Lives by GreyWindows (

Thanks for this gun!

Game has complete 1st level and is ready to enter demo phase...

This game wad is being made to better understand the limitations of the zdoom system.  I am making some progress lately learning in between family life and work.  Please be patient with updates , I like to hear feedback but I am not really interested in a collaboration as I am afraid my time constraints would really not be in anybody else's best interest...  Please try the game and let me know what you think of the levels I am still working on the game all the time.

this was a good upload !

Imma give it a shot this weekend!

This comment gave me the same issue...  after laughing though... 

I actually needed this info !  Seriously thanks!

This is pretty cool!  Any chance of a un-iso button?

that's ok I heard about this on YouTube from Madlittlepixel , this is like a lost N64 title!

What a great game please keep working on it!  Add menus unless im missing something?

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I used some in this project...

I am still polishing the 1st level but the restraint I am using is it must work with only mouse look, jumping and crouching .  No special 3d floors or endless waves of enemies either.  This is a game meant to feel like a fun house...

Very interesting collection very cool

Your Logo will go into the front of a Freedoom wad pack.  It looks cool and I am really liking the textures here!

This looks cool !

I would so love to see someone do a COD style 1968 game with really gory psx throwback gfx, but maintaining the iron sights aiming...  even if it were only a campaign , it would be cool to get a gritty indie Vietnam shooter !

Yes!  This is what I'm always looking for!

no problem!  I enjoy putting together usb mixtapes for the xbox series s .  I get to jamming the game tunes over here.   Lol!

Prehistoric Romp Is Cool AF!

Really cool stuff Thanks !

I am here to compliment you with a download and a thankyou!  You have a cool collection here!

These look great! 

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This is excellent,  this needs an emergency update that adds a # of goombas in world slider 1-100 !  Lol. At least I think so please add this if you do too. 

That sounds cool!

  I don't mind replaying levels especially  if the guys could be standing in different placements and facing different ways each time...  That would maybe be cool as well!

This is sick!  I dig it!

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I believe the scary parts are fun,  for improvements,  Poltergeist zones should be sandwiched between decent gun fights and simple puzzles that impede progressing , like having to move a truck to get onto a building or something?   My suggestions are just sugary donuts...  eat em or throw em out with the tofu I don't clutch these pearls!   Lol. Good game

This one really needs more levels or something!   I keep showing it to people that like this stuff since it is cool!

thanks friend I am just now able to read your messages! 

I paid and still can't get the full version,  something is wrong it only shows the demo?  Please help

This game looks fun ,  wouldnt it be cool to see a semi-realistic firefighter horror suspense game complete with escape-room elements and on-the-loose crazed arsonist guy you must stop?   

This is good work!  I like it!

This is really cool!  I'm happy with the way it works in the browser !  I intend to use them as placeholders for games and also coloring pages for my girls!. Amazing!

This looks sweet!. Love the Duke Nukem looks and feels!