If anyone plays this , I would like to get a video link for this page!
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I played the game is there a set number of levels? I was never caught but I think I finished around 10+ levels. I pushed Escape to pause then I realized that just exits the game. A nice touch with the guy "No! gun shoots... " There should then be a shift in the way the game works somehow IMO. like switch it up from collectithon to find the switch or somethin' ...
Used this gun , but modified for my game wad...
Their Stolen Lives by GreyWindows (itch.io)
Thanks for this gun!
I used some in this project...
I am still polishing the 1st level but the restraint I am using is it must work with only mouse look, jumping and crouching . No special 3d floors or endless waves of enemies either. This is a game meant to feel like a fun house...
I believe the scary parts are fun, for improvements, Poltergeist zones should be sandwiched between decent gun fights and simple puzzles that impede progressing , like having to move a truck to get onto a building or something? My suggestions are just sugary donuts... eat em or throw em out with the tofu I don't clutch these pearls! Lol. Good game