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The direction you shoot in doesn't matter. I'm sorry if I didn't convey that well. I decided against an up and down sprite for the player to save time, but maybe that hasn't been a good decision. If the ghost you try to shoot is to the left or right of your position, your character does even automatically look into the correct direction, when shooting (Though there is a little bug which messes that up sometimes. Sometimes the character looks in the exactly wrong direction when shooting xd But that doesn't matter for the gameplay, the ghost will die nontheless)
Only thing that matters it that you load your shotgun before you step on a tile that will trigger a ghost.

I can see why the black screen after dying may be a bit too long. I felt like it had a good length to fit the atmosphere, but maybe I'll feel different about that in a month, haha
I'm glad you liked the tombstone scene after dying though. I added it, so the player still has the opportunity to check, why they were attacked by a ghost after all. (You can still hover the signs there)

Aside from that, thank you for all the positive feedback! I appreciate it a lot!