Game looks lovely! I don't see any other CD32 users in the comments, so I'll share a few glitches I experienced. I'm using a CD32 with the TF330 expansion (68030 50MHz, 64MB Fast RAM, IDE). The only issue I found so far that affects playability is frequent pauses every 2-3 seconds - the graphics stop updating and the input stops responding for about half a second. This also happens on the title screen (the rain animation hitches), and the pauses line up with disc activity, so I assume it's because we are streaming the music from one of the large .iff files on the CD and blocking the rest of the game while we fill some kind of music buffer. (Ironically, my CD32 has enough fast RAM to preload all 3 music files into RAM, but obviously that's not a solution for stock CD32s.)
Minor glitch: I saw a yellow vertical bar appear for a few frames and scroll rightwards, while I was wandering around the first level near the goat north of the start location.
Finally, the music is only coming out of the left speaker - could well be an intentional design choice to have mono music and leave more capacity for sound effects, but flagging it in case it wasn't intentional :)
Great work and let me know if I can help with any more CD32 testing!